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Abstract As a traditional agricultural country, Chinas export trade of agricultural products is an important factor in the development of agriculture. Chinas agricultural product exports have repeatedly suffered from the impact of green barriers in developed countries, which has led to instability in agricultural product export growth and a huge economic loss. Therefore, in this case, it is of great significance to understand the impact of green barriers on Chinas agricultural products and find out strategies to deal with green barriers. This article collects the trade data of China and Japan from 2004 to 2018, and uses the gravity model as an empirical study to explore the impact of green barriers on Chinas agricultural products exports. In order to cope with green barriers, we should actively promote the concept of green consumption, improve the relevant management system, establish a green barrier information early warning response mechanism, strengthen green industry support, optimize the export industrial structure and agricultural product export structure, move closer to international standards, and strengthen the international competitiveness of agricultural products. Break through the green barriers as soon as possible. Key Words :Green barriers;Agriculture products ;Export trade 2 第1章 绪论 1.1 研究背景及研究意义 1.1.1 研究背景 中国自古以来就是一个农业国,拥有着几千年的农业耕种历史,而农业在我国对外 贸易中又有着不可忽视的地位。随着世界经济的不断发展,国家之间的贸易交流合作也 不断的加深。国际经济正在不停地向一体化的方向发展。自从我国入世以来,经济更加 飞速发展,已经成为全球第二大经济体,农产品的进出口贸易规模的不断地扩大,但是 与此同时,贸易逆差也不断的扩大。发达国家用保护生态环境和保护本国国民的身体健 康,实现可持续发展等借口,以自身发达的科技技术作为优势,设置众多严格苛刻的技 术法规和标准,提高农产品进口的门槛,阻碍着他国的产品进入本国市场。在传统关税 壁垒作用逐渐弱化的今天,新型绿色贸易壁垒正在盛行。发达国家用绿色壁垒在本国对 外贸易中形成一堵看不见的城墙,阻碍着其他国家特别是发展中国家的农产品进入本国 市场。设置绿色壁垒虽然在保护本国的环境等其他方面发挥了作用,但是它无疑是给发 展中国家造成了贸易的不平等。 而作为最大的发展中国家,中国的科学技术还不能满足发达


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