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[2019初试真题回忆] 2019年广州大学 英语语言文学专业真题回忆 往年英语语言文学的帖子不多,当时复习也挺茫然的,因此考完了趁还记得题 型就先来写一篇回忆贴,以下如果有记错或记漏的欢迎同届考生指正。 英语语言文学的专业课考试在第二天进行:综合英语、翻译与写作。 一、 综合英语 1. 单项选择题。主要是词汇辨析,词组搭配,有少量语法题,共30 分,难度中 下,跟专四的词汇辨析题有点像。 2. 完型填空。这道题我在专四还是六级的完型真题里好像见过,但记得不是很 清楚,是关于全球变暖对农业的影响。粮食的供应、各国屯粮什么的。不难,六 级到专四的难度。 3. 阅读。有三篇,每篇 5 个选择题,共 15 题。全部在六级和专四的练习里做过, 所以说啊,多做专四的题。我买的全部是星火专八的资料,差不多都做完了,特 别难,它会影响你的判断。导致我在选择答案的时候不按常理出牌,总觉得不可 能是那么简单的答案,其实答案原文里都完全找得到。下面附上三篇阅读的原文 和选项。 第一篇: Flats were almost unknown in Britain until the 1850s when they were developed, along with other industrial dwellings, for the laboring classes. These vast blocks were plainly a convenient means of easing social conscience by housing large numbers of the ever-present poor on compact city sites. During the 1880s, however, the idea of living in comfortable residential chambers caught on with the affluent upper and upper-middle classes, and controversy as to the advantages and disadvantages of flat life was a topic of conversation around many a respectable dinner-table. In Paris and other major European cities, the custom whereby the better-off lived in apartments, or fiats, was well established. Up to the late nineteenth century in England only bachelor barristers had established the tradition of living in rooms near the Law Court: any self-respecting head of household would insist upon a West End town house as his London home, the best that his means could provide. The popularity of flats for the better-off seems to have developed for a number of reasons. One is the introduction of the railways, which had enabled a wide range of people to enjoy a holiday staying in a suite at one of the luxury hotels which had begun to spring up during the previous decade. Hence, there is no doubt that many of the early luxury fiats were similar to hotel suites, even being provided with communal dining-rooms and central boilers for hot water and heating. Rents tended to be high to cover overheads, but savings were made possible by these communal amenit


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