英语“话”中国文化 Unit 2 Delicious Food Drinks.ppt

英语“话”中国文化 Unit 2 Delicious Food Drinks.ppt

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Text D It is a matter of courtesy for the host to try to get his guests drunk. If you do not intend to drink alcohol, make it known at the very beginning of the meal to prevent embarrassment. Even then, the host may try good-naturedly to push you into drinking. One way to eliminate this pressure is to tell your host that you are allergic to alcohol. After a few rounds of heavy drinking, you may notice your hosts excusing themselves to the bathroom, from whence they often return a bit lighter. Text D   主人想让客人喝酒是一种礼貌。如果你不打算喝酒,那么在用餐前就告诉对方,以避免尴尬。即便如此,主人还是可能好心地劝你喝酒。消除这种压力的一个方法是告诉主人你对酒精过敏。在几轮豪饮之后,你可能会注意到主人们去了洗手间,从那里回来后,他们通常会稍微放松一些,然后再来敬更多的酒。 Text D When the last dish is finished, the banquet has officially ended. There is little ceremony involved with its conclusion. The host may ask if you have eaten your fill, which you undoubtedly will have done. Then the principal host will rise, signaling that the banquet has ended. Generally, the principal host will bid good evening to everyone at the door and stay behind to settle the bill with the restaurateur. Other hosts usually accompany guests to their vehicles and remain waving outside until the cars have left the premises. After you have been entertained by your Chinese friends, it is proper to return the favor unless time or other constraints make it impossible. A good time to have a return banquet is on the eve of your departure from China or at the conclusion of the business at hand. Text D   当吃完最后一道菜时,宴会就正式结束了。它的结束几乎没有什么仪式。主人可能会问你是否已经吃饱了,毫无疑问你已经吃饱了。然后主宾站起来,表示宴会结束了。通常,设宴的主人会站在餐厅门口向在场的每个人道晚安,然后留下来结账。其他的主人通常会把客人送上车,并在外面挥手,直到客人的车子离开。   当你受到中国朋友的款待后,应该礼尚往来,除非时间或其他原因使你不能这样做。在你离开中国前夕或在结束手头的生意时是举行回礼宴会是一个好时机。 Text D Discuss with your partner and answer the following questions. How do you interpret the Chinese saying “Food is the first necessity of the people”? What are the rules for seating arrangement at banquets in China? Do you know the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western ta


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