英语“话”中国文化 Unit 1 Colorful Festivals.ppt

英语“话”中国文化 Unit 1 Colorful Festivals.ppt

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Text D Besides the traditions of honoring the dead and looking for spring, people often fly kites, which float in the sky with different shapes, sizes and colors. Various designs could include frogs, dragonflies, butterflies, crabs, bats, storks and so forth. The ancient people believe that one’s sickness can be written or drawn on the kite wing, tied with the line. If the kites fly up to heaven, diseases and disasters would fly away and disappear. Later, kite-flying has gradually developed into a widely popular outing entertainment. On the Tomb Sweeping Day, residents living in the south of the Yangtze River have the custom of eating sweet green rice ball (qingtuan in Chinese). Qingtuan, soft and fragrant, sweet but not greasy, is a kind of dark green dumpling, made from glutinous rice and stuffed with red bean paste. So far, qingtuan is not only an irreplaceable offering in ancestor worshiping rituals but also a sort of ne cessary food in daily life. Text D   除了祭祖和春游,清明节还流传着放风筝的习俗。各式各样的风筝漂浮在空中,颜色各异。风筝有青蛙、蜻蜓、蝴蝶、螃蟹、蝙蝠、鹤等不同样式。在古代,人们相信疾病可以附在风筝上,由风筝线牵引着。如果风筝飞入高空,疾病或灾难也会一并消失。后来,放风筝逐渐成为一项普遍的娱乐项目。   在清明节,居于长江以南的人们有吃青团的生活习俗。青团软糯香甜,且不油腻。青团呈深绿色,由糯米制作而成,馅心为红豆沙。青团不仅是祭祖仪式上不可缺少的祭品,也成为日常生活中必需的食物。 Text D Discuss with your partner and answer the following questions. After reading this text, can you retell the story of the Tomb Sweeping Day? What are the customs of the Tomb Sweeping Day? Do you know some other traditional Chinese festivals? Please share the stories with your partners. Cultural Tips The Zhongyuan Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, which falls on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month when sacri ces are offered to the dead. The Zhongyuan Festival is also called Half July. In addition, people hold the Ullambana Buddhist ceremony, which falls on the 15th day of the 7th lunar month to redeem the souls of one’s deceased ancestors. Halloween is a western holiday celebrated on October 31, which begins after sunset. A


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