英语“话”中国文化 Unit 3 Chinese Folk Arts.ppt

英语“话”中国文化 Unit 3 Chinese Folk Arts.ppt

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Text D Blue-and-white porcelain was formed by using pigment to depict patterns on the green body and firing at high temperature after glazing. The glazing color is glittering and elegant. The green pigment dissolves in green body, showing a verdant color. Although it has single hue, it still gives people the rich feeling. Blue-and-white porcelain is durable and will not fade until broken. At that time, some people thought that Chinese porcelain may appear merely decorative. In fact, they were carefully and precisely worked out and their meanings were clear. The form of each object and its adornment had meaning and sinificance for us. The dragon represented the emperor, and the phoenix, the empress; the pomegranate indicated fertility, and a pair of fish, happiness; mandarin ducks stood for wedded bliss; the pine tree, peach, and crane were emblems of longevity; and fish leaping from waves indicated success in the civil service examinations. Text D   青花瓷是以色料在坯胎上描绘纹样,施釉后经高温烧成,釉色晶莹、雅致。青料溶于胎釉之间,发色青翠,虽色相单一,但感觉丰富。青花瓷经久耐用,瓷不碎,色不褪。   以20世纪的眼光来看,中国制造的瓷器也许仅仅是装饰品。然而事实上在当时它们都是人们精心烧制而成的,所体现的意义非常明确。对我们来说,每个物件的形状及它的装饰都寓意非凡,影响深远。龙代表皇帝,凤代表皇后;石榴意味着多子,双鱼意味着幸福;鸳鸯寓意着婚姻幸福美满;松树、桃树以及鹤都是长寿的象征;鱼跃出水面意味着科举考试会高中。 Text D Trade between Chinese dynasties and the West opened the “Ceramic Road”. Ceramic Road began in the late Tang Dynasty, which is the main artery of the sea between exchanges of Chinese and medieval foreigners. The reason of the name “Ceramic Road”, mainly due to the nature of porcelain, some people named this sea trade route as the “Marine Silk Road”. Ceramic Road brought a great commercial wealth to China. Colorful porcelain is one of the greatest inventions of ancient China, “China” and “porcelain” is the same word in the English language, which fully shows that the completely exquisite Chinese porcelain can be used as the representative of China. Text D   中国朝代和西方国家之间的贸易促使双方开启了“陶瓷之路”。“陶瓷之路”发端于唐代中后期,是中世纪中外交往的海上大动脉。之所以命名为“陶瓷之路”,主要是因为以瓷器贸易为主的性质,也有人将这条海上商路称为 “海上丝绸


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