英语“话”中国文化 Unit 5 Traditional Chinese Medicine.ppt

英语“话”中国文化 Unit 5 Traditional Chinese Medicine.ppt

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Text D 改善血液循环   拔罐疗法可以促进全身血液循环。因此,足够的氧气到达身体细胞进行细胞氧化,为各种身体活动释放大量能量。 刺激消化系统   拔罐疗法刺激消化系统的运作,从而更好地消化食物。身体的新陈代谢得到改善,更多的能量可用于身体活动。 Text D Clears the Blockage of the Colon When cupping therapy is done on the body, it aids in clearing the blockage of the colon. As a result, toxins accumulated in the colon and excretory system get removed. This prevents the occurrence of serious and fatal diseases like colon cancer. Aids to Activate the Lymphatic System Practicing this therapy on one’s body helps to activate the lymphatic system of the body.As a result, there is a improved circulation of blood to different body cells and tissues. Text D 清除结肠阻塞   当身体拔完火罐后,它有助于清除结肠的堵塞,可以清除积聚在结肠和排泄通道的毒素,从而防止严重和致命疾病的发生,如结肠癌。 帮助激活淋巴系统   拔罐疗法有助于激活身体的淋巴系统,从而改善身体不同细胞和组织的血液循环。 Text D Helps to Release Toxins The human body is a complex system of reactions that occur continuously,toxic and harmful substances are produced, the presence of which might lead to many diseases.These toxic and harmful substances should be removed from the body, if one wants to stay healthy.Cupping therapy causes the body cells and tissues to release toxins and prevents the occurrence of many serious and lethal diseases. The removal of these substances also delays the ageing process. Text D 有助于释放毒素   人体是一个不断发生反应的复杂系统。由于这些反应产生了有毒有害物质,它们的存在可能导致许多疾病。如果一个人想要保持健康,这些有害有毒物质就应该从体内清除出去。拔罐疗法可以使身体细胞和组织释放毒素,防止许多严重和致命疾病的发生。同时,清除这些物质也会延缓衰老过程。 Text D Improves Flexibility Cupping therapy makes the body more flexible for various kinds of physical activities. Helps to Treat Many Diseases This therapy has traditionally been used for the treatment of many diseases like the common cold, high blood pressure, high fever, sciatica, joint pains, muscle spasms,stiff shoulders,arteriosclerosis, and lung infection. Text D 提高灵活性   拔火罐疗法可以使身体灵活地进行各种活动。 有助于治疗多种疾病   这种疗法传统上用于治疗许多疾病,如感冒、高血压、高烧、坐骨神经痛、关节痛、肌肉痉挛、肩膀僵硬、动脉硬化、肺部感染和中风。 Text D Discuss with your partner and answer the following questions. Have you ever tried cupp


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