英语“话”中国文化 Unit 7 The Chinese Spirit.ppt

英语“话”中国文化 Unit 7 The Chinese Spirit.ppt

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Text D   在世界充满不同声音和观点的时候,中国进入了社会转型和战略改革时期。面对改革和发展的艰巨任务,中国需要以更大的智慧和勇气迎接挑战。国家离实现其梦想越近,人们就越需要加强团结和自我激励。   中国梦是关于民族振兴、国家富强、人民幸福的梦。每个人的命运都与国家的命运息息相关,无论是在与帝国主义敌人作战或抵抗外国侵略者时,还是在致命的自然灾害袭击时。积少成多,爱国主义的传播,有利于凝聚中国人民的共识,团结全体人民,实现中华民族的伟大复兴。 Text D Reform and innovation, as the revolutionary ethos of the Chinese nation, will continue to spur China to forge ahead with the times. Historic changes have swept across the country, from rural reforms and the establishment of special economic zones, such as Shenzhen, to socialist market reforms. China would not have been what it is today without the spirit of reform and innovation, and never before was the country in greater need of people’s spiritual support to facilitate the ongoing strategic reform, eliminate vested interests and maximize the dividends derived from reforms. Text D   改革创新作为中华民族的革命精神,将继续激励中国与时俱进。历史性的变革席卷全国,从农村改革和深圳等经济特区的建立,到社会主义市场改革。如果没有改革和创新精神,中国就不会成为今天的中国,也从来没有像现在这样更需要人民的精神支持,以推动正在进行的战略改革,消除既得利益,最大限度地从改革中获得红利。 Text D To realize the dream, China must take the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The country must also foster the Chinese spirit, in which patriotism and the spirit of reform and innovation play a core role, and unite 1.4 billion people of all ethnicities into a great source of strength. But the dream cannot be realized without the rule of law. Democracy should be safeguarded by the rule of law, institutionalized and legalized. Therefore, to realize the dream of national rejuvenation, China should continue to perfect the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, which will lay a solid foundation for deepening reform and building a well-off society in an all-round way. It should also ensure that power is not free of supervision and restraint. Besides, it has to improve the system of the People’s Congress and give full play to the functions of people’s congresses and their standing committees at various levels. Text D   中国梦是关于民族振兴、国家富强、人民幸福的梦。要实现这一梦想,中国必须走中国特色社会主义道路。弘扬以


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