英语“话”中国文化 Unit 8 The Four Great Classical Novels.ppt

英语“话”中国文化 Unit 8 The Four Great Classical Novels.ppt

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Text D Discuss with your partner and answer the following questions. What does“the government forces the people to rebel”mean? What’s your comment on this phenomenon? What do you learn from the failure of uprising? Which character impressed you most? And why? Cultural Tips Besides the four great Chinese classical novels mentioned above, the “Four Books and Five Classics” as well as the “Six Arts” are all well-known to most Chinese scholars. The “Four Books and Five Classics” illustrate the core value and belief systems in Confucianism while the “Six Arts” which existed before Confucius became a part of Confucian philosophy. They formed the basis of education in ancient Chinese culture. 除了上述的四大中国古典小说,“ 四书五经 ” 和 “ 六艺 ” 都为大多数中国学者所熟知。“ 四书五经 ” 阐述了儒家思想的核心价值和信仰体系,而 “ 六艺 ” 存在于孔子之前,其演变为儒家哲学的一部分,成了中国古代文化的教育基础。 Cultural Tips   Homer’s Iliad, Dante’s Divine Comedy, Goethe’s Faust and Shakespeare’s Hamlet are the four great Masterpieces in Europe.   荷马的《史诗》、但丁的《神曲》、歌德的《浮士德》和莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》是欧洲的四大名著。 Text B The strategies used in battles are another unique feature which attract the attention of the readers. Among all the strategies, people feel delighted to talk about the “beauty trap”, also known as the “Honey Trap” in chapter 55 to chapter 56. Tactics such as “Create Something from Nothing” in chapter 36, “Stratagem of the Empty City” in chapter 95 and “To Borrow Arrows with Thatched Boats” in chapter 46 all show the essence of Chinese military philosophy and the suspicious and oversensitive nature of human beings. The cultural and literary influence of this novel is everlasting, the reading is time-consuming but rewarding. TV series and movies will deepen and facilitate the readers’ understanding of the novel while the computer games, mobile phone games, songs as well as comic books generated from and inspired by the plots and characters in the novel may offer entertaining experiences. Text B turbulent [?t??bj?l?nt] adj. 动荡的;湍动的 cyclical [?



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