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PAGE PAGE 2 摘 要 在我国近几年以来,在电视荧幕之上出现了很多由网络小说改编而成的电视剧作品,通过统计,这些作品都获得了不错的收视率,也正因为如此,在最近几年,特别是近两年以来,越来越多的影视制作机构和电视台纷纷购买网络小说版权,加以制作成电视剧,搬上荧幕。我国第一次出现由网络小说改编而成的电视剧,是在2000年播出的《第一次亲密接触》,经过了十多年的发展,我国网络小说改编电视剧也逐步成熟,网络小说成为了影视剧的重要剧本来源之一,网络小说与影视剧一定程度上已经成为相辅相成式的关系。受到了社会的一定程度认可和好评,但是在其具体发展过程中仍然存在一些列问题。本文以由导演陈可辛监制的安妮宝贝的网络小说《七月与安生》为例,进行小说原著与电视剧的对比,明确中国网络小说改编影视剧的独特优势以及网络小说在改编影视剧过程中存在的问题,最后为保障网络小说改编成影视剧道路的顺利有序提出相应的解决方案,进一步有利于网络小说影视剧改编的稳定长久发展。 关键词:网络小说;影视剧改编;《七月与安生》 Abstract In recent years in our country, In recent years in our country, on the TV screen there are many by the network novel into a TV series, through the statistics, these works have been good ratings, also because of this, in recent years, especially since the last two years, more and more film and television production agencies and television stations to buy copyright network novel, to make into a TV series, on the screen. First appeared in our country by the network novel into a TV series, is broadcast in 2000, a time intimate contact, after more than a decade of development, our country network novel, drama was gradually mature, the network become one of the important source of the script of the film and television play, the novel network novels and movies to a certain extent has become a complementary relationship. To a certain extent by the social recognition and praise, but in the specific development process there are still some problems. Based on producer by director Peter chan annbaby network novel July and peace as an example, the original novel and drama contrast, the unique advantages of clear China network novel content and network novels on the problems existing in the process of adaptation of the film and television play, the final order to ensure the smooth operation of the network novel adapted for film and television play road orderly put forward the corresponding solution, further is beneficial to the stability of the network novel content adaptation development for a long


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