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Unit1 1.被警察询问时,杰夫极力保持冷静,沉着地回答每个问题。(composure ) Jeff tried to keep his composure and answer every question calmly when inquired by the policeman。 2.油价不断上涨,世界各国都不同程度地受到了影响。(one way or another ) With oil prices keeping on increasing , all the countries in the world have been affected (in ) one way or another 3 。他在会上提出了一系列可能避免环境污染的措施。(ward off) At the meeting he proposed a series of measures that might ward off the environmental pollution 。 4 。迈克向他父亲保证他一定会全身心投入到即将到来的比赛上。(assure) Mike assured his father that he would put his whole heart into the coming competition 。 5 。一旦玛丽下定决心,就绝不会动摇。(waver ) Mary will never waver once she makes up her mind 。 中国人从小就相信英雄得具有大无畏和自我牺牲精神(self-sacrifice) 。当国家利 益和个人利益相冲突时,英雄们总是选择牺牲自己。刘胡兰和董存瑞在中国家喻 户晓。1947 年,15 岁的刘胡兰由于积极投身中国解放运动而被敌人杀害。战士董 存瑞手托炸药包(a pack of explosives ),炸毁了敌人的碉堡(blockhouse ),并献出 了自己的生命。但是,随着时间的推移,英雄的标准已经多样化,人们开始质疑 这些英雄是否仍然是当今的楷模 (role model) . Chinese people are brought up to believe that a hero has to be associated with tremendous courage and self-sacrifice. Whenever there is a contradiction between the interest of nation and their own , Chinese heroes always choose to sacrifice themselves. Both Liu Hulan and Dong Cunrui are household names in China 。Liu was a 15-year—old girl killed by the enemy in 1947 for being actively involved in liberation of China. And Dong was a soldier who blew off the enemy blockhouse by holding a pack of explosives in his hand and killed himself in the explosion 。 However, it is open to question whether they can still be role models today since the criteria for heroes have diversified along with the passage of time. Unit2 1。他们的一些罪行骇人听闻,简直令人毛骨悚然. Some of their offences are so awful that they would chill the blood 。 2 。 材料包括但不限于洋葱、奶酪、西红柿和黑胡椒 。 The ingredients included but were not limited to onions, cheese , tomatoes a


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