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《人文英语 3》开放大学期末考试笔试+机考题库--第1页
《人文英语3》开放大学期末考试笔试+机考题库 丢失:一个装有电脑,手机,护照和其他东
(按拼音)(241 ) 西的手提包犯罪嫌疑人的外观:矮小,苗条; 长
适用:【笔试+机考】【课程号:04015 】 长的大脸,大眼睛,残酷的视力; 指甲长而脏;
总题量(241 ): 写作题(12) 交际用语(49) 词汇 穿破旧的外套,牛仔裤和运动鞋
与语法(145) 阅读理解(单选)(13) 阅读理解(判 有信息的人:随时联系 110
断)(11) 翻译题(10) 阅读填空题(1) 奖励:人民币 5,000 元。
1、Describe the following case and the crim... Wanted criminal
2、Jason has been studying in The Open Univ... At about 11.00 p.m. last Saturday, there was a
3、Nick was ill for two days. His mother, N... robbery on the 6th street. At that time, a young man
4 、Nickwasillfortwodays.Hismother,NancyHill... was robbed by another man, and he lost a handbag
5、Write a passage about an important perso... with a computer, mobile phone and his
6、Write a passage about important person w... passport. According to victim description, the
7、Write a passage about the importance of ... wanted criminal was short and slim, and his face
8、Write a passage of no less than 100 word... was long and big. He has big eyes with cruel
9、Write a speech about the topic of saving... eyesight, long and dirty fingernails. And he wore a
10、根据写作要求,写出一篇作文(What are the worn jacket, a pair of jeans and trainers. If you
adv... would see someone like that description, you
11、写一篇自我介绍 contact 110 at any time. The reward is RMB 5000.
12、昨晚十二点半,当所有人正在睡觉时,... [译文:下午 11:00 左右 上星期六,第六街
1、Describe the following case and the criminal 发生了抢劫案。 当时,一个年轻人被另一个人
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