
ASME B31.8S-2020 燃气管道系统完整性管理.pdf

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Managing System Integrity of Gas Pipelines ASME Code for Pressure Piping, 831 Supplement to ASME 831.8 AN INTERNATIONAL PIPING CODE ® Managing System Integrity of Gas Pipelines ASME Code for Pressure Piping, 831 Supplement to ASME 831.8 AN INTERNATIONAL PIPING CODE⑧ A汩县、 )€※SI t二亿议二J The American Society of ~® Mechanical Engineers Two Pa『K Avenue • New Yo『k, NY • 10016 USA Dat e of Issuance: June 21, 2.02 1 T he next edition of th is Code is schedu led for publ 阳tion in 2022 . ASM E issues written replies t。 inqui ri es concerning interpretati。ns of tech nical aspects of th is Code. lnterpretati。ns are p ublished on t he c。mmittee web page and under http://go. asme。rg/I nterpretatio ns. Periodically certain act旧的 。f the ASM E B3 1 C。mmittee may be published as Cases. Ca ses are pu blished on the ASME we bsit e u nder the B31 Committ ee Page at /B31c。mmi忧ee as they a re issued. Err ata t o codes and standar ds may be p。sted 。n the AS M E we bsite u nder the c。mmittee Pages o f the ass。ciated codes and sta ndards t o prov ide cor rections t o incorr ectly pub lished item s, or to correct typograph ica l o r grammatica l erro rs in codes and standards. Such er ra ta shall be used on the date posted. T he B31 Commit t ee Page can be foun d at /B3 1committee . The associated B31 C。mmi ttee Pages for each c。de and standard can be accessed from this main page. There is an option availab le to automatically receive an e-mail n。tifica ti on w hen errata are post ed t。a particu lar cod e or st andard. Th is o ption can be found 。n the app ropriate c。mmi ttee Page after selecti ng Errata” mt he Publ i cati。n Information” sect ion. ASME is the registered t rademark of The Am erican Society of Mechanical Engineers. This intern


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