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Surface Texture
(Surface Roughness,
Waviness, and Lay)
Surface Texture
(Surface Roughness,
Waviness, and Lay)
t与但这二J The American Society of
~® Mechanical Engineers Two Park Avenue • New York, NY • 10016 USA
Date of l臼uance: June 30, 202:0
The next editi。n of th is St andard is schedu led fo r publication in 2025 .
ASM E issues written replies t o inquiries concerning inte rpr etations o f tech rnical aspect s of t his Sta ndard. lnterpretati 。ns are
publi shed 。n the Committee web page and under/lnterpsDatabase. Periodically certa in actions of the ASME
B46 Com mittee may be p ublished as Cases. Cases are published on the ASME w ebsit e under t he B4 6 Com mittee Page at
/B46co mm ittee as they are issued .
Errata t o codes and st andards m ay be posted on t he ASME w ebsite under the Com mittee Pages t o p rovid e corrections t o
incorrectly published items, 。r t o corr ect typogra phical o r grammat ical errors in c。des and st andards. Such errat a shall be used
。n the d ate post ed .
The B46 Committee Page can be foun d at h口p:///B46committee. There is an option available t。 automatical l y
receive an e-ma il n。tif1cation when errat a are post ed to a particular c。de or standard . Th阻 option can be found on the
appropriate Com mittee Page after sel ecting “ Err ata” in t he ” Pub lication Information” section.
ASM E is the 『egistered t rad emark of The American s。ciety of Mechanical Engineers.
Th is i nternati。nal c。de 。r standard wa s developed under procedures accredit ed as meeting the criteria for American Nati。nal Standards
and it is anAmerican National Standard.The Standards Committeet hat approved t he code or standard was balance
- ASME B89.3.1-1972 (2003) Measurement of Out- Of- Roundness 不圆度的测量.pdf
- ASME B89.1.17-2001 (2017) 螺纹测量线的测量.pdf
- ASME B89.1.10M-2001 (2016) 表盘指示器(线性测量用).pdf
- ASME B89.1.7-2009 (2019) 钢测量带性能标准.pdf
- ASME B89.1.5-1998 (2014) 主盘或圆柱塞规用平面外径的测量.pdf
- ASME B89.1.2M-1991+errata-2014 用接触比较法校正量块(直径20英寸和500毫米).pdf
- ASME B73.1-2020 化工过程用卧式端吸离心泵规范.pdf
- ASME B56.11.7-1998 液化石油气(LPG)燃料瓶(水平或垂直)安装-工业动力汽车用液体提取.pdf
- ASME B56.6-2002 Safety standard for rough terrain forklift trucks 崎岖地形叉车安全标准.pdf
- ASME B47.1-2007 (R2022) Gage Blanks 空包弹 空包弹.pdf