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t与否~ The American Society of
U丘)® Mechanical Engineers
ASME 889.1.1 OM-2001
Date of Issuance: July l , 2002
This Standard will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of a
new edition. There will be no addenda issued to this edition.
ASME will issue written replies to inquiries concerning interpretation of
tech『l i cal aspect s o f this Stand ard .
ASM E is the reg ist ered tradema由of T he Am erican Society o f M echanical Engineers
This code or standard was developed under procedu res accredi1ed as meeting the criteria for
American Nati。nal Standards. The Standards Committee that approved t he code 。r standard
was balanced to assure that 1ndiv1duals from c。mpetent and c。n.cerned interests have had an
opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was made available for public review
and comment t hat provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia,
regulato町agencies, and the public-at-la rge
ASME does not 飞口prove,"”rate,"。r 、ndorse” any it em, construction, proprietary device,
。r activity.
ASME d。es not t ake any p。siti。n w ith respect t o the val idi ty 。f any patent right s asserted in
connecti。n w ith any items menti。ned in t his document, and does not undertake to insure anyone
utilizing a standard against liability for infringement of any appl icable letters patent, nor assume
any such liability. Users 。f a c。de 。r standa rd are expressly advised t hat determi nati 。n of the
va lidity of anγsuch patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their
own responsibility.
Participati。n by fede ral agency represent ative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is n。t to
be interpreted as government or industry endorsement of t
- ASME B31T-2021 Standard Toughness Requirements for Piping 管道系统用标准强度要求.pdf
- ASME B89.3.1-1972 (2003) Measurement of Out- Of- Roundness 不圆度的测量.pdf
- ASME B89.1.17-2001 (2017) 螺纹测量线的测量.pdf
- ASME B89.1.7-2009 (2019) 钢测量带性能标准.pdf
- ASME B89.1.5-1998 (2014) 主盘或圆柱塞规用平面外径的测量.pdf
- ASME B89.1.2M-1991+errata-2014 用接触比较法校正量块(直径20英寸和500毫米).pdf
- ASME B73.1-2020 化工过程用卧式端吸离心泵规范.pdf
- ASME B56.11.7-1998 液化石油气(LPG)燃料瓶(水平或垂直)安装-工业动力汽车用液体提取.pdf
- ASME B56.6-2002 Safety standard for rough terrain forklift trucks 崎岖地形叉车安全标准.pdf
- ASME B47.1-2007 (R2022) Gage Blanks 空包弹 空包弹.pdf
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