
ASME B89.1.17-2001 (2017) 螺纹测量线的测量.pdf

ASME B89.1.17-2001 (2017) 螺纹测量线的测量.pdf

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A.l哥λ l 《兼SI ~TheAme阳n Soci肉。1 义卫:)0 Mechanical Engineers AN AMERICAN NATIONAL S TANDARD MEASUREMENT or THREAD MEASURING WIRES ASME 889.1.17-2001 Date of Issuance: March 1 S, 2002 This Sta nda rd w i ll b e rev ised w h e n th e Soci ety a p prov es the issu ance o f a n ew editio n. T h e r e w i ll be n o adde n da iss ued t o this e d itio n . ASM E w ill issu e w r itt e n rep l ie s t o i nqu iries c o ncerni ng i n ter pretatio ns of tec hnica l asp ects o f this st a n da rd. ASME is the registered tradema rk of The Amer』ca n Society of Mechanical Engineers. This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the crit eria fo r American Nati。nal Standards The Standards Committ ee that appr。ved the c。de 。r standard was balanced 右。 assure that individuals frorY、 c。”、petent and concerned interests have had an opportu nity to partiαpate. The p roposed code o r standard was made available for public review and comment that provides an 。ppo叫unity fo r add巾onal public input from indu目,y, academia , regulatory agencies, and the public-at·large ASM Edoes not 何approve,’何rate,’ 。r ”end。陌旷 any it em, constructi 。n, proprieta叩device, 。r activity. ASME does n时阳ke any p。”i。nwith respect to the va lidity o f any p副ent rights asserted in c。nnecti。nwith any it ems mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability for i nfri ngement of any applicable letters patent , nor assume any such li abili ty。 Users of a c。de 。r standard are expressly advised that determi natio n of the valid ity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rig hts, is enti rely their own respons



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