
ASME B89.1.7-2009 (2019) 钢测量带性能标准.pdf

ASME B89.1.7-2009 (2019) 钢测量带性能标准.pdf

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REA FF I RM ED 201 9 Perf。rmance Standard for Steel Measuring Tapes AN AMERICAN NAT I 0 NA L STANDARD A泪朵、 )€梁SI t与但这二J The American Society of 六φrE ~® Mechanical Enginee『S I 雹’ II …' ,#雹’‘’4….,… Intentionally left blank Performance Standard f。r Steel Measuring Tapes AN AMERICAN NAT I 0 NA LS TAN DAR D A泪鸟、 1€※SI t与召b己J The American Society of 六φIE \.!!!J ® Mechanical Engineers SI 霄’-…冒”’E JTA4D "- 缸’ Date 。f Issuance: September 18, 2009 T his St andard will be revised w h e n the Societ y approves th e issuance of a new editi on. The re wi ll be no addenda issued to this edit ion. ASME issues w r itt en rep lies to i nqu iries concerning i nterpretat ions of tech nical aspects o f t h is Standard. Periodically, certa i n actions of t he AS ME B89 Com mittee may be published as Code Cases. Code Cases and interpretations a re published on the AS M E Web s ite under the Committee Pages at as they are issu ed. ASME is the regist ered trademark of The American Society 。f Mechanical Engineers. This code o r standard was developed under p rocedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American National Standards The Standards c。mmittee that approved the c。de 。r standard was balanced to assure that individ uals from c。mpetent and c。ncemed interests have had an 。pp。rtunity to participate. The prop。sed c。de 。r standard was made available for public review and comment that provides an opportunity for additiona l public 川put from industry. academia, regulatory agencies, and the publ ic-at-large. ASME d。es not ”approve,” ’rate: or 马nd。rse· any item, construction, proprietary device, 。r activity ASME


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