
ASME B89.1.5-1998 (2014) 主盘或圆柱塞规用平面外径的测量.pdf

ASME B89.1.5-1998 (2014) 主盘或圆柱塞规用平面外径的测量.pdf

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REAFFIRMED 2014 FOR CURRENT COMM ITTEE PERSONNEL PLEASE E- MAIL A 拥 A I S 兼 M The Ame rican Society ol ~ ngineers E L立)• Mechanical ” A L STANDARD 。 I NAT AM E R IC AN AN PLAIN MEASUREMENT OF EXTERNAL DIAMETERS FOR USE AS MASTER DISCS OR CYLINDRICAL PLUG GAGES ASME 889.1.5-1998 Date 。f Issuance: December 18, 1998 This Standard will be revised w hen t he Society approves the issuance of a new ed ition. There will be no addenda issued to this edit ion. ASME w i ll issue written replies to inquiries concerning int erpretation of technical aspects of this Standard . Th e interpretat ions a re not pa同 of the Standard. ASME is the registered trademark of The Amer ican s。ciety of Mechanical Engineers. This c。de or standard was devoloped unde『 procedures accredited es meeting the criteria for American Nati。nal Standards. The Standards Commiuee that approved the code o『 standard was balanced to assure that individuals fr om competent end concernod interests have had an oppoπunity t o panicipate. Tho p,。p。sed code 。r standard w回made available for public review and c。mment that p,。vides an opp。nunitv f。r additional public input from indust时, academia, regulatory agencies. and the pubtic-副-large. ASME d。es not •approve.• rate,·。, •endorse• any item,。。ns


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