
ASME B89.3.1-1972 (2003) Measurement of Out- Of- Roundness 不圆度的测量.pdf

ASME B89.3.1-1972 (2003) Measurement of Out- Of- Roundness 不圆度的测量.pdf

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AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Measurement of Out-0ιRoundness ANSI 889 .3.1 - 1972 REAFFIR”ED 1997 REAFFIRMED 2003 FOR CURRENT COMMπTEE PERSONNEL PLEASE E-MAILCS@asme。rg FOR CURRENT COMMITTEE PERSONNEL PLEASE SEE ASME MANUAL AS-11 SECI旺TAR/AT THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS United Engineering Center 345East 47th Street New York, N. Y. 1001 7 N。pan of this d时U町、ent may be repro曲曲d in any form, 1n an electronic retrieval sy目前no『。世晤,wise, with饵足”、e prior written penn1 ss1on of 1he publ隐her. Copyright@, 1972 by THE AMERI CAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS P U .S.A. FOREWORD This Foreword is not a part ofAmerican National Standard Measurement of Out-of-Roundness, ANSI 889.3.1 . At the October 29, 1958 meeti ng of the Ame 1ican Standards B46 comm.ittee on Surface Texture a special subcommiuee was formed to investigate th巳definition and usage of surf坦ce wavi ness spec ifications, particularly the application to round parts. The subcomminee first met on February I 9 , 1959 and determined 川this and subsequent meetings that the specification and measurement o f out-of-roundness was th巳 most important task. Exploratory discussions and coordination of approaches were held at The Ame 1ican Briti sh Canadian Conferences on 由巳Unification of Engi neering Standards in June, 1960 and September, 1962. In Jun e, 1963, the ASA 889 C



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