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Pressure Gauges
and Gauge
Pressure Gauges
and Gauge
t与~己J The American Society of
U丘.)® Mechanical Engineers Two Park Avenue • New York, NY • 10016 USA
Date of Issuance: December 15, 2022
This St andard will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of a new edition
Th is code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for Ameri can National Standards. The
sta ndards c。mmittee that approved the code 。r sta ndard was balanced t。 ensure that individuals from c。mpetent and
concerned interests had an 。pportunity to participate. The proposed code 。r standard was made avai lable for public
review and comment, which provided an oppo内unity fo r add itional public input from industry, academ ia, regulatory agencies,
and the public-at-large.
ASME does n。t approve;’certify; rate,"。r end。rse”any item, constructior飞proprietary device, o r activ ity. ASME does not
ta ke any po日tion w ith respect to the valid ity of any patent rights asserted in connecti 。n w ith any items mentioned in t h is
document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard aga inst liability for infringement of any applicable
letters patent , nor does ASM Eassume any such liabi lity. Users of a code or standard are expressly advised that determi nation 。f
the valid ity of any such patent right s, and the risk 。f infringement of such ri ghts,归 entirel y the ir own responsibility.
Participation by fe deral agency representatives or persons affiliat ed wit h industry is not t。 be interpreted as g。vernment or
ind ustry endorsement of this c。de or st andard.
ASME accepts responsibility fo r only th。se interp ret ations of this document issued in acc。rdance w ith the establis
- ASME B89.1.17-2001 (2017) 螺纹测量线的测量.pdf
- ASME B89.1.10M-2001 (2016) 表盘指示器(线性测量用).pdf
- ASME B89.1.7-2009 (2019) 钢测量带性能标准.pdf
- ASME B89.1.5-1998 (2014) 主盘或圆柱塞规用平面外径的测量.pdf
- ASME B89.1.2M-1991+errata-2014 用接触比较法校正量块(直径20英寸和500毫米).pdf
- ASME B73.1-2020 化工过程用卧式端吸离心泵规范.pdf
- ASME B56.11.7-1998 液化石油气(LPG)燃料瓶(水平或垂直)安装-工业动力汽车用液体提取.pdf
- ASME B56.6-2002 Safety standard for rough terrain forklift trucks 崎岖地形叉车安全标准.pdf
- ASME B47.1-2007 (R2022) Gage Blanks 空包弹 空包弹.pdf
- ASME B46.1-2019 表面纹理(表面粗糙度、波浪度和层数).pdf