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一网平台机考《人文英语4》复习资料10 如果我资料的前五题与你的前五题内容相同,那么这套题就是你需要的!! 第一大题 交际用语(单选题)(10分) 1、- Do you prefer a portable or a clumsy 3D printer? -_____________________ A、No, a portable 3D printer is more useful. B、Yes, I would not have a clumsy one. C、I prefer a portable one to a clumsy one. 答案:C 2、- I dont know about other people, but I can say Perth is the most beautiful city in Australia. -_____________________ A、Actually I do like beautiful scenery in the countryside. B、Oh no, thats too far away. C、Well, personally, I prefer Sydney. Its more modern. 答案:C 3、- How have you been lately, Molly? -_____________________ A、Not bad. B、I was at home. C、I am quite busy now. 答案:A 4、- You know, sometimes clients may not turn up for their appointments. -_____________________ A、Yes, but as far as I am concerned, building healthy relationships may help. B、Oh, I think they are doctors. C、Well, we have to come earlier. 答案:A 5、- Youve won the football game. Congratulations! -_____________________ A、We are really lucky. B、No one else could do it. C、Dont say so. 答案:A 第二大题 词汇与结构(单选题)(30分) 1、Education means different things to different people, __________ their perspective. A、to depend on B、depends on C、depending on 答案:C 2、You know that Im a person of __________ temper. Sometimes I just cant control my mouth. A、enormous B、great C、hot 答案:C 3、What he said __________ correct. A、be B、are C、is 答案:C 4、Combining carbon and super-capacitors __________ a perfect marriage. A、seems like B、seem like C、really like 答案:A 5、With his work completed, the manager stepped back to his seat, feeling pleased __________ he was a man of action. A、which B、that C、what 答案:B 6、Be careful ________ you cross the road. A、after B、when C、what 答案:B 7、Only in this way __________ to make improvements in the operating system. A、you can hope B、you did hope C、can you hope 答案:C 8、Had you come five minutes earlier, you __________ the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it. A、w


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