译林版九年级英语上册Unit 1 Know yourself Comic strip Welcome to the unit示范公开课教学课件.pptx

译林版九年级英语上册Unit 1 Know yourself Comic strip Welcome to the unit示范公开课教学课件.pptx

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Know yourselfComic strip Welcome to the unitUnit 1牛津译林版九年级英语上册 Learning objectives通过本课时的学习,学生能够:1. 学习理解描述人的性格特点的表达方式;2. 简单谈论自己和他人的性格特点以及喜欢和不喜欢的工作;3. 加深对自己以及他人性格的认识。 重点 重点 Have a free talkWhat kind of person do you think you are?Do you know yourself well? Have a personality assessmentWrite down the scores of your answers. Then add them all up.Q1: Which kind of food do you prefer?A. Strawberries. (1)B. Apples. (2)C. Watermelons. (3)D. Pineapples (菠萝). (4)E. Oranges. (5)Q2: Which of the following activities do you prefer on the weekend?A. Climbing mountains. (1)B. Watching a film. (2)C. Going to a park. (3)D. Going shopping. (4)E. Staying at home. (5)Q3: Which kind of people attract you the most?A. Brilliant persons (有才气的人). (1) B. Strong-minded persons. (2)C. Elegant persons (优雅的人). (3)D. Kind persons. (4)E. Outgoing persons. (5)Q4: Which kind of animal do you want to be?A. Cats. (1)B. Horses. (2)C. Elephants. (3)D. Monkeys. (4)E. Lions. (5)Q5: Which kind of film do you like best?A. Romantic films. (1)B. Comedy films. (2)C. Action films. (3)D. Horror films. (4)E. Science fiction films. (5)Q6: Which color do you like best?A. Purple. (1)B. Black. (2)C. Blue. (3)D. White. (4)E. Yellow. (5) 【20, 30】 strong-willed, coolheaded, have a strong desire to lead others【15, 20) smart, kind, be good at making friends【10, 15) curious, adventurous (勇于冒险的), impatient【5, 10) good-tempered, have a stable personality (个性稳重), value friendshipJust for fun! Look and guessWhat happened to them?1234Hobo and Eddie are our good friends. Watch and answer1. What is the article about?2. What makes the generous people feel good?3. What happens to Eddie’s breakfast in the end?4. Is Eddie willing to share his breakfast with Hobo?It’s about personality.To share things with others.Hobo has eaten it up.No, he isn’t. Think and talk1. Does Eddie think himself generous?2. Do you think Eddie is generous?3. What are Eddie’s and Hobo’s personalities? Br



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