译林版九年级英语上册Unit 1 Know yourself Grammar示范公开课教学课件.pptx

译林版九年级英语上册Unit 1 Know yourself Grammar示范公开课教学课件.pptx

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Know yourselfGrammarUnit 1牛津译林版九年级英语上册 通过本课时的学习,学生能够:1. 梳理并概括并列连词 and,but,so和or的用法;2. 归纳并概括both... and…,not only... but (also)…,either... or…, 和neither... nor…这类关联连词的语法规则和谓语动词的单复数 形式;3. 在语境中正确运用连词描述同伴的性格特点,加深对职业与性 格之间关系的理解。 重点Learning objectives 重点PracticeSummaryProductionPresentationRevision PracticeSummaryProductionPresentationRead and matchRevisiona. He always works to high standards. He’s modest and easy to work with. b. She is energetic. She loves working with people.c. He wants to share the best art with people. He’s always searching for something better.d. She is patient. She can be a good teacher. She can be a good doctor.( )( )( )( )cbda a. He always works to high standards. He’s modest and easy to work with. b. She is energetic. She loves working with people.c. He wants to share the best art with people. He’s always searching for something better.d. She can be a good teacher. She can be a good doctor.Read and rewriteTry to rewrite these sentences with the given words.a. He always works to high standards, but he’s modest and easy to work with. b. She is energetic and she loves working with people.c. He wants to share the best art with people, so he’s always searching for something better.d. She can be a good teacher or a good doctor.butorandsoPracticeSummaryProductionPresentationRevisionWe use conjunctions: and, ____, ____ and ____ to join ideas together.butorso Read and tick (√)Read these sentences Millie writes and tick the right ones.1. Daniel is clever, but he never shows off. 2. Daniel is clever, so he never shows off. □□3. Mr Wu is patient and he is a good teacher. 4. Mr Wu is patient or he is a good teacher. □□5. Samuel is creative, so he often has new ideas. 6. Samuel is creative, but he often has new ideas. □□PracticeSummaryProductionPresentationRevision 7. Simon is active. He doesn’t want to be an accountant or an artist.8. Simon is active. He doesn’t want to be an accountant but



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