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小升初语文练习题 一、看拼音写字,组成词语。6% shà shì yú lán yì cuò ( )时 ( )好 须( ) 波 ( ) ( ) 扬顿( ) hào yù chù lǒu cù fáng ( )尽 ( )寒 抽 ( ) 竹 ( ) ( )不及( ) 二、给加点字读音全对的一组后打?。2% A(屋脊(jǐ) 宫阙(què) 吮吸(yǔn) 鏖战(áo 凌晨(línɡ) ( ) B(锃亮(zènɡ)眸子(mǔ) 弹琴(tán) 河畔(pàn) 瞭望(liáo) ( ) C(吓煞(shà) 蜷曲(quán) 鸟瞰(kàn) 音乐(yuè) 鸟喙(huì) ( ) D(惬意(qiè) 衣冠(ɡuān) 松散(sàn) 炽热(zhì) 憧憬(chōnɡ) ( ) 三、给没有错别字的一组句子后打?。2% A(海伦不分昼夜,像一块干躁的海棉吮吸着知识的甘霖。 ( ) B(在清香的碧螺春荼汤里,我看到了江南明媚的春光。 ( ) C(秦兵马俑维妙维肖地模拟军阵的排列,在雕塑史上决无仅有。 ( ) D(一想到明天就要告别校园,我的心中就涌起了深深的眷恋之情。 ( ) engineering quality maintenance notice (5) maintenance task book regularly visit system since this engineering delivered of day up each quarter organization visit Group on this engineering for visit, group by project manager, and I units production, and technology, about business sector head composition. In return, the owners of any quality questions and comments, I will listen, seriously, and make the visit record. All construction quality defects responsibility seriously propose solutions and timely implementation of warranty. Project security management section project safety management safety management objectives of the project is: to put an end to a major accident, month injury frequency below 1.2 per thousand; combined with construction to create safe and civilized construction in Zhuhai model site. Organization section II xiaohuiwu to act as full responsibility for safety of people on the ground, he will be fully responsible for the mechanical and electrical installation engineering construction safety. Ms Lin Guibo comrades responsible for day-to-day security, training, education, and inspection work. In order to prevent the possibility of ... 1, the implementation of points: (1) team assigned to the AA is responsible for the use of inspection, and in conjunction with the 四、把成语补充完整。4% 司空见( ) 前( )后( ) ( )思( )虑 浮想( )( ) 五彩( )( ) ( )( )不绝 惊心动( ) 如( )似( ) ( )山( )岭 五、按要求写成语。4% ?反映品质优秀的:_________、_________; ?形容人特别多的:_________、_________; ?形容风景优美的:_________


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