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系统解剖泌尿系统英文第1页/共27页 Urinary System泌尿系统★ CompositionKidney 肾-form urineUreter 输尿管-conduct urine from kidneys to bladderUrinary bladder 膀胱-receives and stores urineUrethra 尿道-conducts urine from bladder to exterior of body (discharged)第2页/共27页 Kidney 肾★ General featuresBean shaped, reddish-brown organsSuperior extremity-broad and thinInferior extremity-narrow and thickAnterior surface-convexPosterior surface-flatLateral border-convex第3页/共27页 Kidney 肾Medial border-concave★ Renal hilum 肾门-a vertical slit on the medial border of kidney★ Renal pedicle肾蒂 - the structures which enter and leave the renal hilum,including the renal vein, renal artery, renal pelvis, lymphatic vessels and nervesOrder of structures in the renal pedicle From anterior to posterior-renal V, renal A, renal pelvis.From superior to inferior- renal A. renal V. renal pelvis.第4页/共27页 Kidney 肾★ Renal sinus 肾窦 The renal hilum extends into a large cavity within the kidneyContents: Occupied by the renal vessels, minor renal calices, major renal calices, renal pelvis and some adipose tissue第5页/共27页 kidney★ Renal structure肾的结构Renal cortex 肾皮质renal columns 肾柱Renal medulla 肾髓质 Renal pyramids 肾锥体 (15~20)Renal papilla 肾乳头Papillary foramina 乳头孔Minor renal calices 肾小盏 (7-8)Major renal calices 肾大盏 (2~3)Renal pelvis 肾盂Renal cortex consist of renal units,which produces the urine第6页/共27页 kidney★ Coverings of kidney Fibrous capsule 纤维囊Fatty renal capsule 脂肪囊Renal fascia 肾筋膜第7页/共27页 kidneyCoverings of kidney Fibrous capsule 纤维囊 A strong fibrous capsule which strips easily from a normal kidney surface but adheres firmly to an organ that has been inflamed 第8页/共27页 kidneyFatty renal capsule 脂肪囊 A thick adipose connective tissue capsule, surrounds the fibrous capsuleIt acts as a shock absorber to protect the kidney from jolting and jarringRenal fascia 肾筋膜 On outside, surrounds both the kidney and suprarenal glandHolding these organs in place第9页/共27页 kidney★ Position of Kidney Lie behind


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