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中国历史文化概况英文版Unit9TourisminChina第1页/共29页 2023/7/4学习任务整体上掌握Text A和Text B 两篇文章的内容,包括背景资料,单词,相关专有名词等。完成Text A 和Text B 的课后题目。浏览Text C。第2页/共29页 2023/7/4Text A Yunnan导读:古人用“彩云南现”来遥指云南这片神秘的高原。“一山不同族,十里不同天”,云南有52个民族居民,世居民族有26个,其中云南独有民族有15个。由于各自民族不同的自然环境,呈现出不同的社会文化形态。在云南这片神奇的土地上,北有雄伟壮丽的雪山冰川;南有广袤的热带雨林和珍稀动植物;西有蜿蜒奔腾的“三江并流”奇观;东有壮观的喀斯特岩溶地貌;中有众多的高原湖泊和四季如春的旅游名城—昆明。第3页/共29页 Text A Yunnan Yunnan is without doubt one of the most alluring destinations in China. Its the most varied of all Chinas provinces, with terrain ranging from tropical rainforest to snow-capped Tibetan peaks. Its also the sixth-largest province and home to a third of all Chinas ethnic minorities (nearly 50% of the province is non-Han) and over half of all Chinas plant and animal species. If you can only get to one province in China, this might as well be it.第4页/共29页 Dali Ancient City is 13 kilometers (8.1 miles) away from Xiaguan in Dali City, Yunnan Province and is one of the Three Ancients (Ancient Cities, Ancient Pagodas and Ancient Steles) of the Dali Scenic Spot. Text A Yunnan—Dali Ancient City 第5页/共29页 2023/7/4Text A Yunnan—Dali Ancient CityAccording to literature, Dali Ancient City was a gateway to the Silk Road in Southwest China, and also served as a seat of government and a major military barracks for Yunnan Province in ancient times. It enjoyed magnificent scale, with a wall length of 6 kilometers (3.73 miles), a height of 7.5 meters (24.6 feet) and a thickness of 6 meters (19.7 feet). There were four city gates facing west, east, north and south, upon which sat a gate tower. 第6页/共29页 The newly–opened Foreigner Street is also a must-see, providing snacks with the traditional flavors of the Bai ethnic community, as well as the famous Three-course Tea ceremony for receiving guests that includes bitter tea, sweet tea and final tea.Text A Yunnan—Dali Ancient City 第7页/共29页 Lugu Lake lies 200 kilometers (approximately 124 miles) from the center of Lijiang City, on the border between Ninglang County in Yunnan Pr


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