(PEP)人教版五年级下册英语Unit 4《When is the art show》课件.pptx

(PEP)人教版五年级下册英语Unit 4《When is the art show》课件.pptx

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(PEP)人教版五年级下册英语Unit 4《When is the art show》课件

;;12个月份: January(Jan.) February(Feb.) March(Mar.) April(Apr.) May June(Jun.);When is_______________? Its on________________.;Lets try;There are some special days in April.四月有些特别的日子。;When is April Fool’s Day?;When is Easter ? It’s in April. It’s on April 5th.;Easter is in April. April Fools Day is in April, too. Easter is on April 5th. April Fools Day is on April lst. Can you tell me the difference between “in” and “on”?告诉我in和on有啥区别?;;Make a new dialogue(创编新对话): S1:There are some special days in___. S2:What are they ? S1:______________ S2:When is_______? S1:Its on_________. S2:And__________? S1:Its on ________. S2:Wow! I love ____.;Thank you!;;Unit4 When is Easter? A Let’s learn Ask and answer;The twelve months;Sharp eyes :;Jan.;To write your favourite number;When is your birthday?;T:What day is it today? Ss: Today is Monday/ Wednesday. T: When is your birthday/sports meet? Ss: It’s in July/April....... ;st;sports meet;;five fifth 5th;A: When is ___________?;To express the date in English;Let’s learn;When is April Fools Day?;When is April Fools Day?;When is your birthday?;Whats the date?;When is sports meet?;When is Easter?;To compare A and B;When is __________________? It’s on ________________;first;Read and fill in the blanks.;;English test;Ask and answer;the first floor;first;first ;;Unit 4 When is Easter? A let’s learn First (1st), second (2nd), third(3rd), fourth(4th), fifth(5th) When is your birthday? S:My birthday is in January. When is the sports meet? S:It’s on April 4th. ;Easter is a spring holiday. It is a Christian holiday. It is always on a Sunday in late March or early April. ; 人们准备过春天了。他们很高兴冬天已经过去。在有些城市,人们在复活节游行这天展示他們的新衣裳。 ; Little children believe in the Easter Bunny. The Easter Bunny has many baskets. ; 他把彩蛋及糖果装满篮子,然后把篮子藏起來。 ;On Easter morning, the children hunt for their baskets. ; Children color eggs too. ;They play games with the eggs. They roll eggs up a hill. They have Easter



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