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ELECTROCARDIOGRAM1 2 The Standard 12-lead ElectrocardiogramHow to measure each wave: amplitude duration25mm/s3 ELECTROCARDIOGRAMECG records the changing potential of the field imparted by the heart.ECG dose not record directly the electrical activity of the heart.ECG record the electrical activity of the heart from the body surface.4 插入离子通道图片5 Electrical basis and theory6 Electrical basis and theorydepolarizationdipolerepolarization7 Electrical basis and theory8 Electrical basis and theoryq9 Clinical electrocardiolopy elementary knowledgeVectorResultant vectorLoop10 Electrical basis and theory11 The Standard 12-lead ElectrocardiogramSA nodeBachmannAV nodeHis bundleLeft and right branch of bundlePukinje fiber12 The Standard 12-lead ElectrocardiogramP WaveP-R intervalQRS ComplexST segmentT WaveQ-T interval13 The Standard 12-lead Electrocardiogram ——R Wave form14 Lead System of the ECGLimb leads Einthoven trigoneHexaxial system15 Lead System of the ECGChest leads 16 Chest leads17 Lead System of the ECG18 19 20 21 .Ⅱ.ECG EVALUATION 22 The Standard 12-lead ElectrocardiogramHow to measure each wave: amplitude duration25mm/s23 How to calculate the heart rateHeart Rate = 60/R-R duration 24 Mean QRS axis25 Cardiac Rotation26 .Ⅲ. NORMAL ECG ⒈ P Wave ⒉ P-R Interval ⒊ QRS complex ⒋ J point ⒌ ST Segment ⒍ T Wave ⒎ Q-T Interval ⒏ U Wave27 .Ⅲ. NOMAL ECG ——P Wave⑴form:I、II、avF、V4-6 ?⑵duration:0.12s⑶amplitude: Limb leads 0.25mV, Chest leads 0.20mV.28 .Ⅲ. NOMAL ECG ——P-R Intervalduration:0.12s~0.20s.29 .Ⅲ. NOMAL ECG ——QRS complex ⑴duration: 0.06~0.10s. ⑵form and amplitude. ⑶R peak time ⑷Q Wave30 .Ⅲ. NOMAL ECGJ pointST SegmentT WaveQ-T IntervalU Wave31 IV. The Abnormal ECG Atrial and Ventricular hypertrophy32 Atrial and Ventricular hypertrophy (一)atrial enlargmentLeft atrial enlargementRight atrial enlargement:33 Atrial and Ventricular hypertrophy (一) left Ventricular enlargmentQRS voltage: ① R in V5,62.5mV, ② RV5+SV13.5 or 4.0mV, ③ RI1.5mV, R in aVL1.2m


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