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大脑十大未解之谜第1页/共14页 梦境 dreams? 目前科学家还没有揭开这个谜底。一种可能是:做梦过程中通过刺激大脑分子间的信息神经键大脑进行锻炼。另一种理论是,人们梦到白天不能顾及的任务和情感,这个过程可以帮助人们巩固思想和记忆。一般而言,梦境会在浅睡时发生。At present, scientists have not yet opened the mystery. One may be: dreaming in the process by stimulating the information between the brain molecules of the brain to exercise nerve. Another theory is that people dream of tasks and emotions that cant be taken into account during the day. This process can help people to consolidate thoughts and memories. In general, dreams will occur when the light is asleep.第2页/共13页第2页/共14页 睡觉sleep 人的一生要花费四分之一的时间睡觉。然而,睡觉的根本原因仍然像天马行空的梦境一样让人迷惑不解。长期失眠能导致精神恍惚、幻觉,并最终引起死亡。睡眠的两种状态——深睡期(眼球活动减慢),此时脑部代谢活动放慢;浅睡期(此时会做梦),这一时期大脑活动活跃。某些科学家认为深睡期睡眠能让身体休息,保存精力,就像动物冬眠一样。Ones life will take 1/4 of the time to sleep. However, the fundamental reason is still sleeping like a powerful and unconstrained style dreams like people very much puzzled. Long term insomnia can lead to trance, hallucinations, and ultimately cause death. Sleep of the two state - deep sleep (eye activity slowed), at this time the brain metabolic activity slowed; shallow sleep period (at this time will dream), this period of active brain activity. Some scientists think that deep sleep can make the body rest, save energy, just as animals sleep. 第3页/共13页第3页/共14页 幻觉?hallucination是一种虚幻的表象,本来并不存在的某种事物,病人却感知它的存在。正常人偶尔也可出现幻觉,比如在焦虑地等待某人到来时,忽然听到敲门声,实际却没有人来。这种幻听的出现与期待的心理有密切关系,此外在受到突然强烈的刺激下亦可出现幻觉。正常人在殷切盼望、强烈期待、高度紧张情绪影响下,也可出现某种片断而瞬逝的幻觉,如一个母亲突然失去儿子,悲痛万分,有时幻听到儿子在同她讲话等等。这种幻觉往往持续时间不会太长,随着心情的好转,适当的治疗,便会痊愈。Is a kind of illusory image, there is no one thing, the patient is aware of its existence. An occasional illusion, such as waiting for someone to come, suddenly heard a knock on the door, but no one came. There is a close relationship between the auditory and psychological expectations, in addition under the sudden intense stimulation or hallucinations. In normal people anxious, strong expectations, highly intense emotional impact, also can appear some fragments and ev



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