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给妈妈洗脚英语作文带翻译(3篇) 给妈妈洗脚英语作文带翻译1 时间过得真快呀,一转眼我已经快九岁了,妈妈抚养我这么大,我应该回报妈妈了。于是我决定今天晚上给妈妈洗一次脚。我先端来一盆热水放在妈妈脚前,然后我帮妈妈把袜子脱了放在沙发上,再 把妈妈的脚放在了热水里。我先给妈妈洗了脚背,我边洗边问:妈妈您是不是很累呀?我以后要天天给您洗脚。听了这话妈妈笑了起来,竖起大拇指说:儿子你又长大了一岁,真懂事。接着我又帮妈妈 洗脚掌和脚踝,洗完脚后我又帮妈妈擦脚。当时我想父母真不容易,我们应该帮父母做家务等等,这是我们当子女应该做的。 How time flies! Im almost nine years old in a flash. My mother raised me so big. I should give it back to my mother. So I decided to wash my mothers feet tonight. I first brought a basin of hot water to my mothers feet, and then I helped her take off her socks and put them on the sofa, and then put her feet in the hot water. I washed the instep for my mother first. As I washed it, I asked: are you very tired, mom? I will wash your feet every day. After hearing this, my mother laughed and gave a thumbs up and said, “son, you have grown up for another year. You are very sensible.. Then I help my mother wash her feet and ankles. After washing my feet, I help my mother clean them. At that time, I thought it was not easy for parents. We should help them do housework and so on. This is what we should do when we are children. 给妈妈洗脚英语作文带翻译2 今天,是一个特殊的日子,相信你一定知道,那就是妇女节。 Today is a special day. Im sure you know that its womens day. 妇女节,就是天下所有女人的节日,老师就因今天是妇女节而布置的作业,其中就有给妈妈洗脚,再写一篇给妈妈洗脚的作文。 Womens Day is the festival for all women in the world. The teacher assigned homework for todays womens day. Among them, she washed her mothers feet and wrote another position to wash her mothers feet. 我是这样给妈妈洗脚的,我先搓搓脚面,在搓搓脚下面,接着搓搓脚趾里面,然后再重复一遍,一只脚就洗好啦。洗第二只脚的时候,当然也一样。最后再擦干净就行啦,就这样,脚就洗啦一次澡。 This is how I washed my mothers feet. First, I rubbed the foot, under the foot, and then inside the toe. Then I repeated it. One foot was washed. When washing the second foot, of course, the same is true. At last, just wipe it clean again. Thats all. Take a bath with your feet. 此时,我在想:以前,也就是我小的时候,妈妈经常给我洗脚,给我洗衣服和裤子。等我再大一点,就要帮妈妈做更多的事,洗脚肯定是少不了的。 At this time, I was thinking: before, when I was little, my mother of


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