
ASME B31.5-2022 Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components 制冷管道及传热元件.pdf

ASME B31.5-2022 Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components 制冷管道及传热元件.pdf

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Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components ASME Code for Pressure Piping, 831 AN INTERNATIONAL PIPING CODE® Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components ASME Code for Pressure Piping, 831 AN INTERNATIONAL PIPING CODE® A泪具飞 )€~眨SI t与2议:J The American Society of 、~® Mechanical Engineers Two Park Avenue • New York, NY • 10016 USA Date of Issuance : January 20, 2023 The next edition of t his Code is scheduled for publicatio n in 2025 . Th is Code w i ll become e忏ecti ve 6 m。nths after t he Date of Iss uance ASM E issues wri 忧en rep lies to i nqu iri es concerning interpretat ions of technica l aspects of th is Code. Interpretations are publ ished o n the Com mittee web page and under /l nterpretati ons. Pe riodically certa i n actio ns of the ASM E 63 1 Comm ittee may be published as Cases. Cases are publ ished on the ASM E webs ite under the 631 Comm ittee Page at /631committee as they are issued. Errata to codes and standard s may be posted on t he ASME website u nder t he Committee Pages of the associated codes and standards to provide correctio nst。i ncorrectly published items, or to correct typographi cal 。r gram matica l errors i n c。des and standards. Such errat a shall be used o n the date p。sted. The 631 Committee Page can be fou nd at『/631committee. The associated 631 Committee Pages for each code and sta ndard can be accessed from th is main page. The re is an option avai lable to automatically receive an e-mai l n。tificati on when errata are p。sted to a particu lar code or standard. Th is option can be found 。n the appropriate Committee Page afte r selecting ’Errata” i n the Publicatio n lnformati。n’· section. ASME is the registered trademark of The Ameri四n s。ciety of Me



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