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IEEE Standard for Biometric Open
IEEE Communications Society
Sponso『ed by the
Standards Development Board
Technical Committee on RFID
Sponsored by the
IEEE Tech nical Act ivities Board
3 Park Avenue IEEE Std 2410111-2015
New Yo rk, NY 10016-5997
Auth。“zed licensed uso limited t。· univc陪ity of wa1011。。 D侧nloadedon A阳1 08.约16a103:。但却UTC from IEEE Xp阳e R盹t1icti。ns a阳’y
IEEE Std 2410 ™-2015
IEEE Standard for Biometric Open
Standards Development Board
of the
IEEE Communications Society
and the
Technical Committee on RFID
of the
IEEE Technical Activities Board
Approved 3 September 20 15
IEEE-SA Standards Board
Copyright© 2015 IEEE. All rights reserved .
Authorized licensed uso limited to ·University of Water!。。 D阳nloaded on April08.约t6at 03:52·刽UTC from IEEE X酬。咱 R盹tricti。ns a阳’y
Abstract : Identity assertion, role gathering, multilevel access control, assurance, and auditing are
provided by the Biometric Open Protocol Standard (BOPS). The BOPS im plementation includes
software running on a c lient device (smartphone o r mobile device), a trusted BOPS server, and
an intrusion detection system. T he BOPS implementation a llows pluggable components to
replace existing components’ f unctionality, accepting integration into cu『rent operating
environments in a short period of ti me. The BOPS implementation provides continuous protection
to the resources and assurance
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