
IEEE Std 2801-2022 IEEE Recommended Practce for the Quality Management of Datasets for Medical Artfcial Intelligence 医学人工智能数据集质量管理推荐规程.pdf

IEEE Std 2801-2022 IEEE Recommended Practce for the Quality Management of Datasets for Medical Artfcial Intelligence 医学人工智能数据集质量管理推荐规程.pdf

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IEEE SA 幽 树 叫 阿 同 叫 同 嗣 目 闻 囚 IEEE Recommended Practice for the Quality Management of Datasets for Medical Artificial Intelligence IEEE Engineering in Medicine and BiologγSociety Developed by the Standards Committee IEEE Std 2801 ·2022 φIEEE IEEE Std 2801-2022 IEEE Recommended Practice for the Quality Management of Datasets for Medical Artificial Intelligence Developed by the Standards Committee of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Approved 13 May 2022 IEEE SA Standards Board A bstract: Promoted in this recommended practice are quality management activities for datasets used for artifi cial intelligence medical devices (AIMD) . The document highlights quality obj ectives for organizations responsible for datasets. The document describes control of records during the lifecycle of datasets, including but not limited to data collection, annotation, transfer, utilization , storage, maintenance, updates, reti『ement, and other activities. The document emphasizes special consideration for the dataset quality management system, including but not limited to responsibility management, resource management, dataset realization, and quality control. Keywords: AIMD, artifi cial intelligence medical device, datasets, IEEE 2801 , quality management The lnstitule of Eleα对cal and Electro时cs E吨In°",毡, I nc. 3 Park Avenue, New y。胀。 NY1001 6、5997, υSA Copyright4:1 2022 by The I n刨itule ol Electncal and Electronics E09mee陌, Inc 剧I rights 坤se何ed. Publl由ed 5 July 2022. P阳ted ln伽e United States ofAmerica IEEE Is a reg比阳ed 1radoma1 m the U.S. Patent T陪dom



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