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学术英语写作课后答案 第一篇 1、Academic Writing----A Handbook for International Students (Fourth Edition) and Writing Research Papers (Fifteenth Edition)中提到,我们可以用两种形式来罗列大纲,它们是: A、The outline might be informal B、The outline might be a list C、The outline might be a mind map D、The outline might follow up 答案:B 2、Academic Writing----A Handbook for International Students (Fourth Edition) and Writing Research Papers (Fifteenth Edition)中提到,大纲有两种类型,分别是: A、Informal outline B、List outline C、Running outline D、Formal outline 答案:C;D 3、在formal outline 中,显示等级的常规做法是: A、Symbols B、Indentation C、Paralleli D、Consistency E、Content-rich headings 答案:B;A;C;D 4、正式大纲的三种形式是: A、Sentence outline B、Topic outline C、Combination outline D、Phrase outline 答案:A;B;C 5、我们有可能对working outline进行以下哪些修改? A、You will choose a new topic. B、You will add some topics and delete others. C、You will reevaluate topics. D、You will rearrange the order of topics and subtopics to facilitate transitions and improve coherence. 答案:B C D 6、Working outline不是暂定的,一旦制定下来,就不能再修改了。 答案:错 7、The more detail you include in your outline, the easier the writing process will be. 答案:对 8、The procedure involved in outlining is basic in both written and oral communication: formulation of an overall idea (a thesis), division of material into main points, and sensible organization of supporting material for each main point. 答案:对 9、A formal outline is a diagram of a paper’s design, a bird’s-eye view of its structure. 答案:对 10、If one Roman numeral is subdivided into capital letters and the next one is subdivided as far as lowercase letters, the outline probably is correct. 答案:错 第二篇 1、根据Bailey的分类,下面哪个选项不包含在short essays格式里? A、Introduction B、Main body C、Discussion D、Conclusion 答案:A 2、Conclusion指的学术英语写作中的哪个写作特征? A、Title B、Sub-title C、Heading D、Phrase 答案:C 3、下面哪些选项是学术英语写作的原因? A、To report on a piece of research the writer has conducted; B、To answer a question the wr


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