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・52・ 2023年第3期 装备技术} 基于无人行车的智能棒材仓储系统设计策略 邓 君,邱勇峰,查鉛 (湖南天桥嘉成智能科技有限公司,湖南 株洲 412000) 摘 要:行车作为钢铁企业最重要的搬运设备,其智能化程度和运行效率直接影响了车间作业的生产效率。 传统的行车依靠司机手动驾驶或者遥控操作,存在自动化程度低,人员劳动强度大 ,工作效率低等问题。同样,由 于信息化水平不高,生产管理数据与库区产品实际数据不能完全同步,人工操作无法对库区所有资源进行合理配 置并达到最优的性能 。基于无人行车的智能仓库管理系统 ,与工厂制造管理MES系统及信息管理ERP系统连 接,构成工厂智能化的服务系统 ,可以解决上述生产过程中存在的各种问题 。通过连接互联 ,最终实现与上下游 客户的互联互通工。 关键词:钢铁企业;无人行车;智能仓库 中图分类号:U291. 5 + 2 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1674-957X(2023)03-0052-03 Design Strategy of Intelligent Bar Storage System Based on Unmanned Drivin Deng Jun,Qiu Yong-feng, Zha Bo (Hunan Tianqiao Jiacheng Intelligent Technology Co. , Ltd. , Hunan Zhuzhou 412000) Abstract: As the most important handling equipment in iron and steel enterprises, the intellectualization and operation efficiency of crane directly affect the production efficiency of workshop operation. The traditional crane relies on the driver to manually drive or remote control operation, there are low degree of automation, personnel labor intensity, low efficiency. Due to the low level of information technology, the production management data and the actual data of the products in the reservoir area can not be completely synchronized, so manual operation can not reasonably allocate all the resources in the reservoir area and achieve the optimal performance. The intel­ ligent warehouse management system based on automatic crane is connected with the Manufacturing Execution Systems and Enterprise Resource Planning system to form an intelligent service system for the factory, it can solve all kinds of problems existing in the above production process. By connecting to the Internet, the intercon­ nection with upstream and downstream customers is finally realized. Key words :Iron and steel enterprises; Unmanned crane; Intellig


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