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2002考研英语真题及彻底解析 2002年考研英语真题及彻底解析 有一句话是这样说的:“良好的准备是成功的一半。”相信这句话同样适用于考研英语。为了帮助大家更好地备考,我为大家整理了2002年考研英语真题及彻底解析,希望可以对大家的备考有所帮助。 文都教育为您送上免费试听资料,请点击试听 一、2002考研英语真题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Lovers walking air is the most 21 thing on earth. The very young and the very old walk, and the middle-aged, too, walk with their dogs. Dogs and 22 people love! The youth and joy of the world has not yet come to me 23 it will never come; I am too old. I have sat long enough in the 24 steps, but mine the pain is an old man who is not simply mature, 25 old. It is a man who has been away from 26 world, but is now back and 27 the same place; a man who has climbed 28 forested mountain, and looks east 29 the rising sun; a man who has 30 (struggled against cold nights) and is tired. I have 31 the ground and found Rest-area. I have questioned my spirit on the highest 32 and it has answered “Faith”. But I have 33 my soul and its returning 34 be the returning of a 35 new and strong. 21. [A] original [B] new [C] previous [D] exhausted 22. [A] mostly [B] nearly [C] either [D] too 23. [A] and [B] but [C] so [D] or 24. [A] low [B] high [C] last [D] next 25. [A] too [B] so [C] and [D] or 26. [A] this [B] that [C] these [D] those 27. [A] putting [B] placing [C] on [D] at 28. [A] through [B] into [C] onto [D] by 29. [A] on [B] at [C] to [D] with 30. [A] come [B] watched [C] witnessed [D] seen 31. [A] found [B] had [C] discovered [D] got 32. [A] building [B] climbing [C] descending [D] top 33. [A] tried [B] worked [C] fought [D] gone 34. [A] would [B] should [C] must [D] need 35. [A] body [B] soul [C] spirit [D] heart Section II Reading Comprehension Part A Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET. (40 points) Text 1 Following tremendous advanc



