高二上学期unit2 news media全部知识点 新课标 人教.pptVIP

高二上学期unit2 news media全部知识点 新课标 人教.ppt

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Unit 2 News media;Words and expressions Warming up to speaking;Words in this unit;Talented ;Ignore ;;means of mass communication ;Reliable 可靠的,可信赖的,确实的;Switch 转变,改变, ;Addicted 使沉溺,使入迷,使醉心;Ignore 不顾,不理,忽视 ;Update 使现代化,更新,改造 ;Face C n. 脸,面孔,面貌,面容,表情;be faced with 面临;面对;We must face up to our responsibilities and not to get out of them .;2. Fire vt. 解雇/开除,点燃,发射(枪,弹);3. Generous ready to give, noble-minded 慷慨的,大方的 He is generous with his money. It was very generous of you to forgive her.;他们劫富济贫。;;;;;;6.Go up ;7. Elect vt. 选举,推选;8. Would/had rather 宁愿…;Reading;1.more than 2.inform vt 3.relate vi 4.switch vtvi 5.for once 6.rather than 7.contact vtn 8.reflect vt 9.present vtnadj 10.effort n 11.even though/if 12.be addicted to 13.ignore vt 14.draw attention to 15.on all sides 16. tolerate vt;1.more than;More A. than B. 与其说B, 不如说A;2.inform vt;;4.switch vt;5.for once “这一次”(平时不这样);She likes to keep things rather than (to) throw them away.;7.present nadjvt;On Teachers’ Day the students presented flowers to the teacher. On Teachers’ Day the students presented the teacher with flowers.;8.effort n;9. It is/was the first time that;10.tolerate vt;The passengers were robbed __ all their money. A. of B. off C. from D. Away When she did some shopping in the crowded shop, she had her pocket___. A. robbed B. stolen C. picked D. cheated 3.He felt ___ when his friend refused his kind help. A. hurt B. injured C. harmed D. damaged 4.The hotline helps to keep the leader ____ what’s happening at each moment. informing of B. informed of C. be informed to D. is informed that;5.Rather than ___ on a crowded bus, he always prefers ____ a bicycle. ride; ride B. riding; ride C. ride; to ride D. to ride; riding 6.The question _____ at tomorrow’s meeting will be very important. A. discussed B. being discussed C. be


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