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PAGE 3 PAGE 0 高考英语写作多样性表达 1.关于“穷” He is?very poor. He lives?in poverty. He lives?below the poverty line. He is?destitute. He?struggles to make a living. He lives?on a meager wage. He comes from?a deprived area. He was born in?an impoverished family. destitute: having no money, no food, no home meagre: a meagre amount of food, money is too small and is much less than you need meagre经常出现在meagre income, meagre earnings, meagre wages中,表示微薄的收入。 deprived: not having the things that are necessary for a comfortable or happy life a deprived area is an area where a lot of deprived people live. impoverished: 穷困潦倒的 2.关于“流行” Doing yoga is?very popular. Doing yoga?enjoys great popularity with?young people. Doing yoga is?gaining momentum. It is?fashionable?for young people to do yoga. Doing yoga is?in fashion. Doing yoga is?all the rage. For many young people, yoga is their?preferred choice. 表达很受某人欢迎时,enjoy popularity后面的介词可以用with,也可以用among。 gain momentum表示发展势头良好,另一个类似表达是gain steam。 all the rage: very popular, very fashionable 3.关于“渴望” He?wants?attention?badly. He?is eager to?get attention. He?desires to?get attention. He?has a strong desire for?attention. He?longs for?attention. He?craves?attention. He?is desperate for?attention. He is attention-hungry. He?is hungry for?attention. He?is thirsty for?attention. He?is anxious to?get attention. He?is dying for?attention. He?has a thirst for?attention. He is attention-starved. 以上各词的表达比较类似。多数情况下be + adj + for sth可与be adj + to do可互换。有些形容词可转变为名词,如hungry与hunger,那么对应的表达为be hungry for和have a hunger for。 4.关于“重要性” Learning English is?extremely important. Learning English is?of utmost importance. Learning English is?paramount. Learning English?counts a lot. Learning English is our?top priority. We?can’t emphasize enough?the importance of learning English. The importance of learning English?can’t be overstated. 关于第一句和第二句往往是可以互相转换的,即be + adv + adj = be of + adj +n。 paramount: more important than anything else count等于matter,等同于be important。 最



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