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精通版四年级英语上册全册知识点汇总 Core Vocabulary for Unit 1: This is my new friend. 1.Countries America。England。Singapore。Canada。China 2.ns postman。driver。teacher。farmer。doctor。nurse 3.Family members brother。sister 4.Others boy。girl。good。friend Expanded Vocabulary: American。Englishman。Canadian。Chinese。reporter。worker。actor。visitor。director。fireman Key Sentence Structures: 1.Where are you from。- Im from Beijing。China. This dialogue is used to ask where someone is from and to answer the n. Example: Where are they from。- They are from Canada. 2.Whos this boy。- Hes my brother. This dialogue is used to ask about someones identity and to answer the n. Example: Who is this girl。- Shes my sister. 3.What does your mother do。- Shes a nurse. This dialogue is used to ask about someones n and to answer the n. Example: What does your father do。- He is a policeman. Understanding sentence structures: 1.This is my new friend. This sentence is used to introduce someone to another person. n: This is + name/identity can also be used to refer to someone or something that is closer to the speaker. 2.Glad to meet you。/ Nice to meet you. This sentence is used to express pleasure at meeting someone for the first time. I’m in Class Two。Grade Seven.我在七年级二班。 2.What’s your phone number?你的电话号码是多少? My phone number is xxxxxxxx9.我的电话号码是xxxxxxxx9. 解读:此组对话是询问电话号码的句型及回答。 举一反三:—What’s your email address?你的电子邮件地址是什么? My email address is example@.我的电子邮件地址是example@。 3.What time do you usually wake up?你通常几点起床? I usually wake up at 7 o’clock.我通常七点起床。 解读:此组对话是询问对方通常几点起床的句型及回答。 举一反三:—What time do you usually go to bed?你通常几点睡觉? I usually go to bed at 10 o’clock.我通常十点睡觉。 4.I’m sorry。I’m late.对不起,我迟到了。 It’s okay.没关系。 解读:此组对话是道歉和回答的句型。 举一反三:—I’m sorry。I ot to bring my homework.对不起,我忘记带作业了。 It’s okay。Don’t et next time.没关系。下次别忘了。 2.This is an apple.这是一个苹果。 3.What are these?这些是什么? They are oranges.它们是橙子。 4.Is this a lemon?这是一个柠檬吗? Yes。it is.是的,它是。 5.I like bananas.我喜欢香蕉。 6.Can I have some watermelon。please?我可以请你给我一些西瓜吗? 7.How ma


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