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Room Service Dealing with customer complaintsTOPIC 7.1 Room ServiceRoom service applies only where the customer has decided to eat in the accommodation room of a motel, hotel, serviced apartment or resort. Cloche Continental Breakfast English Breakfast Door Knob MenuHang on the outside of the guest’s bedroom Role Play: Doorknob menu service Staff: Good morning. Reception. May I help you? Guest: Good morning. It’s Mr. White in Room 489. Can I have breakfast in my room tomorrow morning? Hot Box Hot Box Late Night Menu Non Verbal Cues Reading your customers 微表情系列look down on look down on look down on 微表情系列 ShockedUneasyConfidentHung upAfraidDisdain Gesture Room Service Room service is also known as in-room dining. It is a service provided by hotel generally hotels of 4-5 star standards as a convenience and choice of dining option for their guests. Room Service Room service is also known as in-room dining. It is a service provided by hotel generally hotels of 4-5 star standards as a convenience and choice of dining option for their guests.Breakfast MenuAll day dining menuSuper menuSnack menuMini bar menu Room Service menu include:1、Daily food serviceBreakfastLunch( Super) Room Service menu include:1、Daily food serviceSnackMini Bar Give the VIP flower basket、fruit basket、cards VIP”s present Give the present to the customers on holiday2、Special service 二、room service Door Knob MenuMenu on bedside cupboard for room service Fine Dining Order taking by phonePhone callRoom NoNameConfirmWithin 3 ringsIntroduce yourself clearlyMay I help you?Write down the orderMay I have your room number? For how many person?Your room number is …Your order is …Anything else? ThanksYour order will be … minutes ,It `s all right?Thank you for your orderLet the guest hang up first. 接到订单receive the order根据菜肴品种及数量准备餐具set up the trolley到收银台取帐单,了解能否签单,现金买单准备好零钱prepare the change到厨房出菜,需加盖,并核对stamp and re-check使用员工电梯送餐到房 use staff’s lift to deliver到达客房门口再次核对房号check the room number敲门三


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