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2021果园施肥机械国内外发展现状与问 题范文   摘 要: 林果业是我国农业的重要组成部分,产量长期位居世界前列。果园的 施肥方法和施肥效率直接关系到林果的产量和质量。提高果园施肥效率是增加林果产 量和质量的重要途径。目前,我国许多地区果园施肥采用人工的方法,施肥机械的发 展远远满足不了果园技术要求,果园施肥技术亟待提高。文章对当前国内外存在的果 园开沟施肥机技术进行分析比较,总结现有开沟施肥机具的特点。通过分析,对开沟 施肥机未来发展趋势进行展望,未来施肥技术将逐渐向智能化、精准化方向转变,在 追求效益最大化的同时,会更加注重对环境的保护和资源的节约。   关键词: 果园;开沟施肥; 存在问题; 展望;   Abstract: Thefruit industry is an important part of Chinas agriculture, and its output has been in the forefront of the world for a long time. The fertilization method and fertilization efficiency of the orchard are directly related to the yield and quality of the fruit.Increasing fertilization efficiency in orchards is an important way to increase the yield and quality of forest fruit. At present, the artificial fertilization method in orchards in many areas of China, the development of fertilizing machinery can not meet the technical requirements of orchard, and the fertilization technology of orchard needs to be improved. This paper analyzes and compares the existing orchard dredging machine technology at home and abroad, and summarizes the characteristics of existing ditching and fertilizing equipment. Through analysis, the future development trend of the trenching fertilizer machine is forecasted. It is believed that the fertilization technology will gradually change towards the direction of intelligence and precision. While pursuing the maximum benefit, it will pay more attention to environmental protection and resource conservation.   Keyword: Orchard;Trenching and fertilization; Problems; Prospect;   0、引言   林果业是我国农业的重要组成部分,产量长期位居世界前列。当前,我国许多地 区果园开沟、施肥等工作还采用人工作业的方式,人工作业方式不仅效率低,还很难 根据果树个体把控施肥量,造成了肥料的浪费和环境的污染。随着人力成本的上升和 农村劳动力的转移,果园作业中的用工矛盾逐渐显露,对我国林果业的长期健康发展 产生一定的影响。发展高效的果园施肥机械够有效缓解劳动力紧张、降低生产成本、 提高生产效率,对林果产业的健康发展具有积极推动作用。   1、果园合理施肥的必要性   果园施肥是林果生产中非常重要的作业环节,对提高林果质量和增加林果产量起 着重要作用。当前,果园施肥作业方式存在一些不科学的问题,如连年浅施有机肥、 有机肥施入过深和化肥撒施等问题。在水果的生长过程当中,其养分来源除了空气中 的C、H、O外,还包括土壤中的N、P、K等众多元素[1],不科学的


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认真 负责 是我的态度

