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Landscape History
Exploring the Innovation Mode of Urban Development from the Concepts of City
Construction and Gardening at All Times and in All Countries
高祥飞 费文君 *
GAO Xiang-fei,FEI Wen-jun *
摘要:高速的城市化进程导致我国城市生态环境系统受损严重, Abstract: The rapid urbanization process has caused serious damage
为了应对我国城市人居环境营建新挑战,“公园城市”理念兴起。 to urban ecological environment system in China. In order to meet
以公园城市为研究对象,通过总结古今中外营城造园的发展历程 the new challenges of the construction of urban human settlements
及理念共识,思辨其优劣之处,聚焦当今城市的发展问题与趋势, in China, the concept of park cities has arisen. Taking park cities as the
research object, by summing up the development history and concept
consensus of the city construction and gardening in all countries at
all times, this paper explores its advantages and disadvantages, and
设计方法,构建高效科学的法律法规管理体系,以期为今后的公 focuses on the development issues and trends of today’s cities. Then
园城市营建提供参考与借鉴。 the paper puts forward the construction values of park cities from three
levels of macro (urban planning), meso (urban green space system
layout) and micro (garden green space planning and design) to discuss
中图分类号:TU986 park city planning methods. It aims to build an efficient and scientific
文献标志码:A management system of laws and regulations, which can provide
文章编号:1671-2641(2021)01-0051-05 reference for the construction of park cities in the future.
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