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国际经济法常用词汇 EXW FCA FAS FOB CFR CIF CPT DAF DES DEQ DDU DDP Offer要约 Offeror要约人 Offeree受要约人 Invitation for offer要约邀请 Subject to our final confirmation须经我方最后确认 Cross offer交叉要约 Withdrawal撤回 Revocability撤销 Counter-offer还价,反要约 Acceptance承诺 Mail box rule投邮主义 Receive of the letter of acceptance rule到达主义 Late acceptance迟到承诺,逾期承诺 Identified to the contract注明有关合同 Shipping documents货运单据,船运单据 Sale by description凭说明书买卖 Sale by sample按样本出售,凭样本成交 Fundamental breach of contract根本违约 Anticipatory breach预期违约 Specific performance实际履行 Breach of condition违反合同的条件 Breach of warranty违反保证 Unconditionally appropriated to the contract Reserve the right of disposal无条件地划拨于合同项下 To the order of the seller or his agent付给卖方或他的代理人 Sale on approval试销 Floating cargo未到货,运输途中的货物 Quality to be considered as being about equal to the sample品质与样品大致相同 Sales by specification, grade or standard凭规格、等级或标准售货;凭规格、等级或标准买卖。Fair average quality中等品;良好平均品质 Sales by brand of trade mark凭商标买卖 More or less clause 溢短装条款 Bulk cargo 大宗货物;散装货物 Nude cargo 裸装货 Gross for net 以毛重作净重 US $500 Per M/T CIF New York 每公吨500美元CIF纽约 Fixed price 固定价格 Sliding-scale 按物价计酬法 Time of shipment 装运时间 Time of delivery 交货时间 Advice of shipment 装运通知 Insurance to be effected by the buyer 保险由买方办理 Inspection and claim clause 检验与索赔条款 Upon arrival of port of destination 货物到达目的港后 After discharge of the goods at the port of destination 货物在目的港卸货后Inspection certificate of quality 质量检验证书 Inspection certificate of weight 重量检验证书 Sanitary inspection certificate 卫生检验证书 Veterinary inspection certificate 动物检疫证书 Plant quarantine certification 植物检疫证书 Force majeure clause 不可抗力条款 Arbitration 仲裁 Bill of lading 提单 Charter-party 包租合同 Gencon 金康合同 Baltime 统一定期租船合同 Prima facie evidence 初步证据表面证据 Conclusive evidence 绝对证据 Shipped or on board bill of lading 已装运提单 Received for shipment B/L 备运提单 Clean B/L 清洁提单 Claused B/L, or Foul B/L 不清洁提单 Letter of Indemnity 赔偿保证书 Open B/L, Bearer B/L 不记名提单 Oder b/L Direct B/L 直达提单 Ocean through B/L 海上联运提单 Liner B/L 班轮提单 Charter B/L租船提单 Negotiable qu


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