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2020-2021资阳市八年级下册英语期末考试 听力原文 Text 1 M:I’ve got two tickets for the movie.Would you like to go with me? W:I’m sorry.I was asked to have a discussion with my cousin about his son’s education. Text 2 M:How much are the tickets? W:4 dollars for adults and children are half-price. M:OK.I’d like two adult tickets and two children’s tickets. Text 3 M:Why didn’t you attend the class? W:I’m sorry.But my brother was hit by a car and I had to care for him in the hospital. Text 4 M:Hi,Maria.I’ve heard there is an interesting film.Shall we see it tonight? W:I’d like to.But Mr.Black told me to type some important notices and send them to him by 9:00 pm. M:The job is the most important. Text 5 W:Manhattan Square,please. M:All right,madam.When are we supposed to be there? W:I’d like to go around the city,if you don’t mind. Text 6 M: Hello! This is City Police Station. W:I need help.My house has been broken into. M:Can you tell me some details? W:When I came home,I found my door broken,and my money,my jewelry,and my camera were gone. M:Was there anybody home? W:No.My son,husband,and I all happened to be out having our dinner after work. M:What is your address? W:No.13,Downing Street.Could you come over at once? M:OK.Don’t worry,madam.We’ll be there in 10 minutes. Text 7 M:Hi.What can I do for you? W:I’m hunting for a part-time job. M:Then,you’ve come to the right place.Our office is aimed at helping those like you to find jobs. W:Glad to hear that.I really need to earn some money for my education. M:How many hours would you like to work? W:Ten to twenty hours a week. M:And when are you free to work? W:Every weekday since noon.And I wouldn’t mind working on weekends. M:Great.Now please fill out this form. W:When can I get to work? M:I will call you tomorrow. W:Thank you. Text 8 M:This is Henry.I’d like to make sure when we can expect you for a get-together. W:Er...What party is it? M:Our former classmates are planning a get-together. W:Oh,that’s good. M:Are you free these days? W:


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