人教版五年级英语下册《Unit 4 When is the art show》 A lets spell.pptx

人教版五年级英语下册《Unit 4 When is the art show》 A lets spell.pptx

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Part A Let’s spell;My birthday is in January. It’s on January 1st.;Who’s birthday?;When’s his birthday?;mother.;They are my family.;My brother is strong.;Jo Jo 大闯关;Task 1. I can read! 任务一 - 我会读!;;;My birthday is in three more days. Three more days, three more days. My birthday is in three more days. I will be thirteen. My brother has a birthday, too. A birthday too, a birthday too. He has a birthday on the third of the month. What about you? ;恭喜通过第一关!;Task 2. I can tell! 任务二 - 我能分辨!; 字母组合th发清辅音/θ/。;字母组合th发浊辅音/e/。;节奏大闯关;/θ/;/e/;/θ/;/e/;/θ/;/e/;/e/;/e/;恭喜通过第二关!;Task 3. I can read more! 任务三 - 我能读得更多哦!;an;nor;恭喜通过第三关!;Task 4. I can do it!任务二 - 我会做!;Listen,circle and say.;Thursday/Monday is his eleventh/third/fourth birthday. That is her brother/grandfather/father. His mother/brother is a maths/Chinese teacher. 1. Thursday is his eleventh birthday 2. _________________________________ 3. __________________________________;语音连连看大闯关!;;;;;;;;;;;;恭喜通过第四关!;Congratulations!;。;1. 和同伴一起找出更多th发音的单词。;Thanks for watching!


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