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Intermediated Trade
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Citation Antrás, Pol and Arnaud Costinot. Forthcoming. Intermediated
trade. Quarterly Journal of Economics.
Accessed February 14, 2017 7:30:09 PM EST
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(Article begins on next page)
Pol Antr‡s Arnaud Costinot
December 27, 2010
This paper develops a simple model of international trade with intermediation. We consider
an economy with two islands and two types of agents, farmers and traders. Farmers can produce
two goods, but in order to sell these goods in centralized (Walrasian) markets, they need to be
matched with a trader, and this entails costly search. In the absence of search frictions, our
model reduces to a standard Ricardian model of trade. We use this simple model to contrast
the implications of changes in the integration of Walrasian markets, which allow traders from
di§erent islands to exchange their goods, and changes in the access to these Walrasian markets,
which allow farmers to trade with traders from di§erent islands. We Ö
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