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PAGE PAGE II 摘 要 易地扶贫搬迁政策作为我国打赢脱贫攻坚战的重要组成部分,从改革开放以来就备受瞩目。易地扶贫搬迁是帮助搬迁户们摆脱贫困的最有效的方法之一,它的实施效果与搬迁户的利益息息相关,如何妥善解决贫困人口搬入安置区之后的发展问题,这将关乎国家的反贫困战略能否能够确切落实。作为一个地广物博的大国,我国幅员辽阔。但是绝大多数贫困人口仍生活在生态环境恶劣、道路崎岖以及基础设施缺失的地区,如何使这部分人摆脱困局,获得新的发展正是我国一直聚焦的重点问题。X县在十三五期间制定落实了约20000多户贫困户的易地扶贫搬迁项目,但同时如何安置这些缺乏专业知识技能和文化素质低下的搬迁户,帮助他们适应新区生活及获得经济发展,是一个富有挑战的难题。 本文采用文献研究、案例分析、调查问卷等研究方式,将研究的重点放在X县易地扶贫搬迁户们在安置区后续发展问题,运用人口迁移理论、马斯洛的需求层次理论和可持续发展理论从他们生活方式、就业等等方面对搬迁户们面临的问题及原因进行深入分析。同时从培训和就业服务体系、基础公共服务体系、社区治理体系三方面对搬迁户的后续发展提出对策和建议,来推动贫困户们积极就业,发展经济,从而摆脱贫困。 关键词:贫困治理;易地扶贫搬迁;后续发展 Abstract As an important part of Chinas fight against poverty, the relocation policy of poverty alleviation has attracted much attention since the reform and opening up. Relocation is one of the most effective ways to help relocated households get rid of poverty, and its implementation effect is closely related to the interests of relocated households. How to properly solve the development problems of poor people after moving into resettlement areas will be related to whether the countrys anti-poverty strategy can be accurately implemented. As a big country with vast territory and abundant resources, China has a vast territory. However, the vast majority of poor people live in areas with poor ecological environment, rugged roads and lack of infrastructure. How to get these people out of the predicament and get new development is the key issue that China has been focusing on. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, X County formulated and implemented the relocation project of poverty alleviation for more than 20,000 poor households, but at the same time, how to resettle these relocated households who lack professional knowledge, skills and low cultural quality to help them adapt to life in the new district and obtain economic development is a difficult problem. In this paper, literature research, case analysis, questionnaire and other research methods are adopted, focusing on the follow-up development of the relocated households in X



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