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沈阳师范大学学士学位论文 人民群众申诉控告权利实施途径的研究 PAGE PAGE II 摘 要 申诉控告权是我国公民最基本也是最重要的权利,对公民申诉控告权的保障直接影响着对公民人权的保障,也直接影响着我国社会的稳定。 当前,人民群众申诉控告权的实现仍然存在着较大困难,主要问题在于人民群众在申诉控告过程中受理的渠道不畅,申诉人在控告申诉过程中的信息安全没有得到保障,人民群众通过舆论施压维护权益成为了人民群众申诉控告权实现的主要途径。 而造成申诉控告权利实施问题的原因是因为关于申诉控告受理相关部门政出多门,申述人案件的相关信息未按照规定去保密、处理,人民群众通过舆论施压的方式来维护申诉控告权益比正规流程更能受到关注,而使得案件进度加快。 在全面依法治国的大背景下,应当加强对于人民群众申诉控告权的保障,以习近平总书记关于改进、加强人民信访工作的重要思想为指导,加强对于人民群众申诉控告权的法律保障,构建完善的申诉控告受理制度,完善主动公开信息制度,引导公民有效、正确的行使申诉公告权,建立完善的舆论应对机制,在社会上积极营造公民行使申诉控告权的良好条件,加强司法工作的机制及创新。 关键词:申诉控告权;人民群众;实施途径 Abstract TheThe right of appeal and accusation was the most basic and important right of Chinese citizens. The protection of the right of appeal and accusation directly affected the protection of human rights of citizens and also directly affected the stability of Chinese society. Currently, there were still great difficulties in the realization of the peoples right to appeal and accuse. The main problem was that people’s complaints were not handled in an unblocked manner in the process of appeal and accusation , and the information security of the complainant in the process of appeal and accusation was not guaranteed, thus the citizens safeguarded their rights and interests through pressure from public opinion had become the main way to realize the peoples right to appeal and accuse. And the reason for the problems to implement the right of appeal and accusation was that each department was acting on its own, and the information related to the complainants case was not kept confidential and handled as required. People to safeguard their rights and interests through pressure from public opinion could get more attention than the formal process, which made the progress of the case faster. Under the background of comprehensively rule the country by law, the protection of the peoples right to appeal and accuse should be strengthened. Under the guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinpings important thoughts on strengthening and impr



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