人教版高中英语必修一 (Travelling Around)新课件(第3课时).pptx

人教版高中英语必修一 (Travelling Around)新课件(第3课时).pptx

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Unit 2 Travelling Around第3课时 Write to a friend about a travel planWarm upFor foreign visitors, which city in China may attract them most?Xi’an is always a popular destination for tourists. For a foreign tourist, Xi’an is a must-go place in China. What do you think is special about Xi’an? Reading for Writing Read Richard’s email to his friend and the brochure that he found. Do you think his plan sounds interesting? Why? Read the passage about the Terracotta Army from a travel brochure and tell us what amazes you most. I was amazed by …It’s unbelievable … After reading the email and the passage, choose the answers.1. What makes Richard surprised about the Terracotta Army? A. They are so well kept. B. The number is so large. C. They are so far away. D. They were so difficulty made.2. Why is Richard planning to visit the Shaanxi History Museum? A. It is near the Terracptta Army. B. It has books explaining Qinshihuang. C. His father loves history. D. It has many other treasures.3. Why were so many statues made in the tomb? A. To show Qin’s great power. B. To guard the tomb. C. To serve the people here. D. To show the different people. 4. Who discovered the tomb? A. The researchers. B. The scientists. C. The army. D. Some farmers. Study the organisation and Language features.Summarise the email in the table.go to Xi’an to see the Terracotta Armygo to the Shaanxi History Museum, the Xi’an City Wall, and a few other famous sights take the train, leave the day before the October holiday begins and arrive at 9:30 a.m.write again soon and send photos Study the organisation and Language features.Underline the words and phrases used to express emotion in the email. Then complete the sentences below.It is an amazing sight....



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