人教版高中英语必修一 (Welcome Unit)SectionⅠ 新课件.pptx

人教版高中英语必修一 (Welcome Unit)SectionⅠ 新课件.pptx

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Welcome UnitSectionⅠ 文本填空根据教材听说文本填入适当的词汇。【Activity 1】Listening and SpeakingGet to know new peopleConversation 1情景导学对话发生在师生之间,新人Amy办理入学报到手续。由于是第一次见面,双方都使用了较为正式的打招呼的语言。Amy:Good morning! My name is Amy Jones. Im here for a student ID card.Mr Wang:Nice to meet you, Amy. I’m Mr Wang. Sit down, please. Er...Sorry, what’s your 1. again?Amy:Jones. J-O-N-E-S.Mr Wang:OK. Thank you. And 2. are you from?Amy:Im from the USA.Mr Wang:OK. What’s your 3. ?last namewherestudent numberAmy:170143.Mr Wang:170143. Got it. You’re in 4. , arent you?Amy:Yes, I am.Mr Wang:OK. Your 5. ?Amy:Amyj16@pep .Mr Wang:Amy...j...16...at...pep(p-e-p)dot com dot cn. Got it. Now, stand over here, please. Smile! Grade 1 email addressConversation 2对话发生在同学之间,在餐厅见面打招呼并讨论自己喜欢的科目,语气较为随意。Max:Hi, Amy! Hows it going?Amy:Great. 1. you?Max:Im good. Lets go and sit down.Amy:What do you think about 2. ?Max:So far, so good, Amy. I‘ve had maths and English this morning. The 3. class is getting more difficult but it‘s really 4. . Its my favourite class so far. How about you?情景导学How aboutsenior high schoolmaths interestingChemistry Amy:I think science is more fun. 5. is my favourite.Conversation 3情景导学对话是学生Amy向老师咨询课程选择,Amy使用了比较正式的语言。Amy:Good morning. Ms Li.Ms Li:Morning, Amy. 1. ?Amy:Very well, thank you. Ms Li, I want to be a 2. in the future, so what courses do you think I should choose?Ms Li:Oh, interesting! Well, first of all, I think an 3. course would be 4. to you. And there are some other courses...How are you doingdesignerarthelpful 【Activity 2】Listening and TalkingReflect on your learning styles and strategies对话发生在同学之间,考试临近,Amy和李明相互交流学习方法并约定好共同学习。Amy:Hi, Li Ming. Ready for the test? Do you have any study tips for me?Li Ming:Not really. I just listen to the teacher and 1. .Amy:Oh, group work is my favourite way to learn. I’m an 2. person, so I like to discuss things. Talking to others helps me remember things.Li Ming:I‘m not very good at group work but I have other ways of remembering things. I like us



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