人教版四年级英语下册 (At the farm)新课件(第4课时).pptx

人教版四年级英语下册 (At the farm)新课件(第4课时).pptx

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英语四年级 下册Unit 4At the farm第4课时 一、Warm-upYes.they are.They are….Are they…?What are these? 二、ImportWhat are these?horsehorses sheepsheep henhens duckducks 三、PresentationWow!You have a lot of animals! What are those?They’re horses!Mmm… Seventeen.Cool!How many horses do you have? What about those?Are they hens?No,they aren’t they’re ducks. What can you see in the picture?horsesheephenduck What are those?They are… What are these?They are animalsI love animals.They are my friends. How many cards?sheephenshorseduckFour.How many hens can you see?I can see five.How many horses do you have? a lot ofhow manywhat about…those许多有多少怎么样那些 What are those?Are they horses/…?Yes,they are./No,they arent. 四、Practice1.分角色表演Let‘s talk中的对话。2.我家的小农场。同学们以小组为单位,每小组准备一张纸,老师会用英语描述一幅图画,同学们把听到的画在这张纸上。然后互相评价,看谁设计得美观大方。 五、Achieving Standard EvaluationⅠ.补全单词。h rse h n anim lth se s ven d ckd goe a o e uo Ⅱ.听老师读句子,写出走丢了的单词娃娃。1.You have a lot of !2.What are ?3.How many do you have?4.They arent .Theyre ducks.animalsthosehorseshens Ⅲ.我会连线。1.a lot of animals2.how many horses3.what about…A.多少匹马B.许多动物C.……怎么样 六、Job Layout1.听读背Lets talk。2.复习单词和短语:cow sheep farm henHorse duck a lot of how manywhat about 英语四年级 下册Unit 4At the farm第5课时 一、Warm-upI love animals very much. Do you love animals? What animals do you know? 二、PresentationDo you know a farm? There are many animals at a farm. Let s go and have a look. Look! This is a farm.So many animals.What can you see? cowhorsesheephen farm cowhorsesheephen 巩固单词游戏一:老师说单词,同学们指图。游戏二:老师指图,同学们说单词。游戏三:一个同学说任意一个单词,其他人指出相应的图片 三、Practice1.请一位同学拿一张复数形式的卡片站在前面,不让全班看到正面是什么,其他人用Are they...?来猜图片内容。猜错了,该同字要说:No, they aren’t.猜对了,说Yes, they are.2.两人一组做猜卡片的游戏 四、Job Layout1.将该部分的单词读给家长听。2.默写抄写单词。 六、Achieving Standard EvaluationⅠ.补全单词。h n h se sh ep c we or e o Ⅱ.写出下列单词的复数形式。1.hen2.


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